Throughout history women have shown, they are far less aggressive and violent than men, even, though they have been brutalised by men of violence. That's not what we were talking about. I mean, I would ferociously attack those who steal the work of others due to their lack of dignity and respect for those who were truly responsible for such accomplishments! Bureaucracies slow things - decision-making, communication, action - and the company becomes a . You stated that "most men who seek to invent or innovate are not "given" the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. Your position is that the other sex definitely will do a better job. He was the one with the last name and the sword, so it was all him.". Men hate and fear other men from other countries, religions, social classes and ethic groups. cross dressing, femininity, wearing dresses, etc) as being invalid and unimportant, simply due to the fact that they (the male feminists) have never had to go through them, and therefore have no idea what it's like to be born into the body of a "feminine" man, which leads them to believe that all men are somehow "overprivileged". This is not created by men its the consequence of competition where there is not enough supply ( of seats of power in this case) to meet everybodys demand. I already answered this several times. it somewhat is the hierarchy for the God-like one. And what about hormones? Advertisement. The consequences are premarital sex, teenage pregnancies, abortion, extramarital sex, divorce, children with single parents, depression, suicide, etc. Look through history and even today and the acts of violence and torture by men, far outweighs the acts of violence and torture by women. Biological determinism - the basis for pretty much every kind of sexism. However, if woman believes that she does not need to conquor nature and needs only work alongside her in harmony with all life that surrounds her, then she will invent technology that reflects that. And if we decide to become pacifists (as you seem to suggest), then our culture will be overwhelmed by those who aren't pacifist. If a man and a women go to a businessman with a new invention, which one do you think will get more respect? If I exempt your husband from alimony and child support, it will harm the children. The family will also be better off because the man will do a better job of providing for the family. Its really interesting abd informative reading all the comments about this, what i didn't realise is about the percentages of crime - yes i knew men cause more crime than females but never realised its about 99% - that is alot and really needs to be addressed! "Again if we look at the animal kingdom, we find every spring animals like stags, bull and rams fighting each other for dominance and access to females. In other words, because you're a man, your writing here isn't as qualified because you have inferior communication skills. Dont bother because that is also fallacious. Or do not receive the support they need in raising a child. Are you saying that people are intentionally voting for uncaring politicians? As a result, supporters of patriarchy pay no heed to preserve nature. Youre shifting goalposts now. Women can only do this, if they start injecting themselves with steroids. Then the answer is simple, allow women to rule our world instead. We can more easily manage the data in a DBMS. This is not much different to the way stags, bulls and rams with big horns, charge each other every spring. Men and women are different physically, mentally and emotionally. Therefore all men are peaceful. Because THAT is how women perpetrate violence in the public sphere. Previous Post All about Microsoft Access Database you need to know. I've had to suffer and bust my ass off to prove myself worthy of every little damn thing I have and it has never been enough for anyone in my life other than my damn self! Speak your mind all you wish, but stop speaking other peoples minds. (embryologist). Here's a quote from Dr. William Bond (author) from England on July 17, 2012: Girlwiteswhat, I suppose you are going to condemn the whole female sex on the actions of a few women like Margaret Thatcher or Elisabeth Bathory. Project management software is built for collaboration and teamwork in real-time. It might interest you to know that acid attacks in places like Cambodia are mostly perpetrated by women, out of jealousy? Given that cultures have undergone a kind of social evolution since the beginning of civilization, the absence of any matriarchy could be taken as evidence that matriarchal societies are less prosperous. The human male is similar but human males fight with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, field guns, rockets, aircraft and nuclear weapons. I mean, what would you change about the current democratic system of the Western developed countries? I am deeply astonished by your lack of respect for tribal peoples, would you say the same thing about my Native American Indian people? You seem to see them as a monolithic object/victim class. Believe it or not, that is a PATRIARCHAL image of women you're painting. Again, repeating a statement doesnt make it right. Who invented the atom bomb? If I take away the house or withhold a share of the assets, it will harm the children. Men's bodies produce far more testosterone than what women's bodies do and it is this hormone that makes a man's body physically stronger. That's the down side of feminism. Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a patriarchal family? So those 99% are, if anything, an indication that men are in a lot of trouble. So it is about time we allow women to rule instead and se. Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. This change would be challenging the established doctrines of masculine dominance over women. I would agree that it would be a great idea to teach men to loving and caring human beings. This disadvantage has even occurred in the modern era. The human male is very similar but fight each other with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, bombs and rockets. And in that time, men have ruled through violence, fear and intimation. This is not popular type and is uncivilized in many societies of the world. By Silvia Azaa Gutirrez B.Sc., M.Sc. When feeling the sting of rejection, women leaders learn from adversity and carry on with an "I'll show you" attitude. William Bond (author) from England on May 19, 2012: Off course the differences between men and women are biological. If things get worse then people might look for something different but the chances are they will look to Facism or bring back communism or perhaps go to extreme religion. Also hunter-gatherer socities naturally tend to have non-hierarchal egalitarian social structures, there is social and economic equality and violence often tends to be very rare which in spite of their lack of technology seems to be more highly advanced society morally than the one we currently live in. So, these elements can fulfill ones needs. The real scary part is that I think you genuinely believe that you want to make things better. Women burst into that male-dominated scientific field without need for tools, money or encouragement. I do not like to see people live in poverty and starve to death. Women then have the choice of either giving away their power, or to learn to be as assertive and competitive as men. Patriarchy and matriarchal societies both have male heads of state or religious leaders. This would be every political party we know in the world. Patriarchy: What advantages and disadvantages has the Patriarchy done for society? So not only does a matrairchal government has to convince the voters they are better than the existing goverments, they have to demostrate they are a better than the existing system when they are in power or they will be voted out of office. Disadvantages of primary research Some of the advantages of primary research are: More up to date. I never get the same problems with men. Like this post. ". Don't you even feel a little bit silly that you're a man yourself when you say these things? A falsely filed TRO is instigating violence. Patriarchy thinks in another way. Although I am a man, I can appreciated the problems women have in having children. The reason being, is that women are not as competitive as men and will lose out in any very competitive system. Most male animals tend to fight each other for power and access to females, and evolutionists tell us this is a good thing, as the strongest male gets to pass on his genes to the next generation. The present patriarchal system doesn't do that. You don't even notice when you're contradicting yourself. "What is the problem with Matriarchy? The two systems have a major difference in their ideas about nature. As for saying a lot of these acts of male violence is caused by women. We are mammals; it is the female in all species of mammal that care for the young. Most Popular Podcasts From Pakistan That are Must-Listen. you need to go and learn about wild animals then you will see the differences between males and females. If you're going to judge half the human population, at least take all things into consideration. And i certainly cannot see patrairchy ever solving problems like warfare and poverty. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to anthropology and feminism differ in some respects. Until then, have a nice life. It can shift between the needs of the various projects under development and the company's functional units. But this shouldn't be a problem because the only way a matrairchal government can get into power is through demcratic means. "The fact is that is it nearly always men who fight in wars or commit genicide.". Yes, men may not want violence but they are aggressive and competitive with each other and this gets completely out of hand, where we do end up with violence. If the world is really so bad, then go and live by yourself but don't sit here enjoying the accomplishments of civilization every day while hating on them. The only reason people ascribe it to maleness is because they want to illustrated supposed female inferiority or they want excuses not to have to adopt it themselves and want an easy backdoor in through methods like women only parties or affirmative action. Matrifocality and Women's Power: The Peril of Fixed Opinions "Obviously, you would give your life for your children, or give them the last biscuit on the plate. Men in power have been involved in these wars. All the team members can share their ideas and distribute . Just this sentence of yours could be straight from Orwell: "The public will also have to be re-educated to want to vote for geniune caring and nuturing women.". Violence in women against other women, against children, or against men should not come as a surprise, just like men's violence aginst women, children, and other men is of no surprise to me. Yes, I agree invention can be difficult for men, but it is even far harder for women. But patriarchy teaches the opposite. Here's the funniest part of it all: You are actually disqualifying your opinion with your sexism thereby making a case against your own argument rather than for it. Males dominate those, because they have a greater interest in them. The technology that any intelligent life chooses to create is a reflection of the way they perceive the world, so if man believe's that he must conquor and subdue nature in order to meet his needs of self-interest, he is going to create technology that does exactly that. Perpetrating your own violence entails accepting enormous risks. Go back to school. Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. 1. it should be obvious that we need to try and see if the other sex can do a better job in doing this.. In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. 2. If we look at female politicians today, they are given a hard time if they want to get into any position of power People have used this to justify all kinds of genocide incidentally. Monopoly companies enjoy a supernormal profit. When do you people ever tire of bashing men as little more than violent primitive animals best kept in a zoo? I think you have deeply misunderstood where Wabond is coming from, I know for a fact and he has even admitted it himself that he is not trying to put women on a pedestal, nor see women as perfect goddless-like and infallible beings, hell no one here has ever said that, however, men have done a good job at symbolically idealizing themselves as such and still do even today, just take a look at the Vatican where the pope's word is considered God's word on earth! It was she who done all the research into DNA, but then one of her male assistants, secretly gave her data, to Crick and Watson who published it before she did. The reason why men have been able to do this, is that they are far more competitive and aggressive than women. War is totally insanity. From the hydroelectric dam to the remote control to the transistor to the internal combustion engine to the suspension bridge to the refrigerator to the TV dinner to canned food? Multiculturalism can provide us with a variety of different foods. This is because the patrirachal power is all about competitiveness and aggression. ". The fact is that men are totally useless at ruling our world. However, their history is feudal, and the ruling class engages in pair-bonding and paternal investment. The only way to think about such a thing is logically, which half of you are obviously not doing. They shouldn't be nice to you given how you openly declare your distaste for them. Daughters inherit the property of the mother. May foster technological progress. The only way we can change this, is to allow women to rule our world instead. The status of the children is mostly decided by the status of the mother. "Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. Yes, i agree women can be brutalised into becoming violent and vindictive. Although people have demanded equality for the whole of recorded history, it has never happened, and we can understand why, by observing the behaviour of male animals. The main disadvantage of matriarchy is that it's almost bound to create a patriarchy in the long run. She just made a demand of her husband, made it a condition of her continued love and respect, and benefitted from the result. Blatant sexist bigotry. At the present moment with the mishandling of the world's financial system, with rising population, global warming and more and more wars people are getting fed up with our present system. When a man kills his child, we put him in prison and call him a monster. I cannot believe that the men ruling our world are actually going to change and see the errors of their ways and become nicer people. No. ". ( noun) When a married couple live together in a new residence instead of with the husband's family ( patrilocal residence) or the wife's family ( matrilocal residence ). Women who are not dominated by oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to express their nurturing and loving natures. Hi girlwriteswhat, Where have I ever said that I think women are perfect!? WW2 was all about patriarchal, (male dominated) governments fighting each other. This works well because they avoid risk in a fight themselves but still have a man or group of men beaten to a pulp by the man or men she got to fight for her. Most definitions have highlighted the unequal distribution of power between men and women. I don't see how we can get pass this. Hawking certainly was never handed one damn thing, and overcame huge handicaps, to become one of the finest and most respected minds in science. Descent, Inheritance and Succession: Here the descent is traced through the mother. If a group commits to a thorough communication process, then it is much easier for them to meet deadlines or offer additional help whenever it is needed. Get over it and move on. And you forgot to mention that men are also responsible for most of what's good in the world. If you want your procurement process to be as efficient as possible, it's best to invest in a P2P solution that provides integration with an ERP system. Until then, have a nice life.". I completely agree with this article, thank you for your insight. It is a social system where women possess the privilege to establish the structure of a family. Yet this is what patriarchal government produce all the time. "Hi girlwriteswhat, The actual reasons why women abort is because in patriarchal societies they do not have control over their own bodies.". And when she shared in the spoils he'd taken, it had nothing to do with her. It's not as if matriarchal societies of the past were ones where men did not exist, or spent their days knitting and doing their nails. But the fact remains that far, far more women are beaten up and murdered by men, than women murdering men. "Five thousand years of history have shown that patriarchy is totally incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. We cannot always believe what is reported by the officials we must trust no one, and question everything. Women are not in the decision-making process within a patriarchal society. I think I've learned about wild animals. Now, I can understand the fear Feminist have, that if we undermine the dogma that men and women are same, and say that women are driven by a powerful maternal instinct and men driven by a powerful competitive instinct. You are comparing millions male killers to a handful of women. Yes, you can always find individual women who are not very materialistic but you have to see the big picture. In other words, if you accept that women are better leaders because of their genitalia, then you must also accept that women are less intelligent because it is exactly the same reasoning that you use to support those arguments. Its certainly worth ago! Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. I cannot understand you thinking my articles are full of hate!? Yes, violent men always make this excuse. The authority belongs to a male head followed by the distant members of the same family tree. Quoting from the above study: "In univariate terms, the largest differences between the sexes were found in Sensitivity, Warmth, and Apprehension (higher in females), and Emotional stability, Dominance, Rule-consciousness, and Vigilance (higher in males).". So this is a long term thing but you have to start somewhere. As members of an official ethnic minority, Khasis have many privileges: the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council protects their laws, taxation is lower than elsewhere in India, land is set aside for their use in tribal zones, and a quota system operates for higher education and civil service jobs. They were extremely informative! As i previously pointed out many female politcians have to act and behave like men to gain respect within the patriarchal system. That is what happens when we believe women are somehow less violent than men, and are not willing to hold women accountable when they are violent. It has expressed in other primates. The reason would be to do with our basic instincts. But men do not have the option of aborting a child they don't want--their only option is to try to walk away.). The big problem with this argument is that it is not true, men and women can never be the same, because women have children and men dont. The Lineage Matriarchal societies are also often matrilineal in nature. There is a reason why women are attracted to powerful, dominant, 'alpha' men. I think what needs to be done is more infromation such as the articles you have written to be more widley avaliable and for more people to be able to read and be educated about this to get more people thinking about it. Daniel Defoe, Edgar Alan Poe was educated there. 145 other terms for advantages and disadvantages- words and phrases with similar meaning If I fine you, it will economically disadvantage the children. It has nothing to do with "patriarchy". Government is able to interfere with the free market because it is currently 100X bigger than it was before women's suffrage. And they always say, 'it is the woman's fault'. Your infantile dogmatic generalization is a slap in the face to those whom we have so much to thank for, who have often risked or even given their lives to advance democracy and equality. As for using violence as a calculated strategic method, psychopathic leader like Hitler or Stalin or just your local gang leader do use violence to achieve results. There has never been a time, in recorded history, when men were not fighting a war somewhere on our planet. If so, then, in all likelihood, more female power would lead to more male competition, not less. The accomplishments of men are not the result of men being better. So positive discrimination towards nurturing and maternal women is a very, very small price to pay, if it leads to us living a more caring and loving world. We are the offspring of those who fought for their survival. Also, there's absolutely no reason to believe women start any less wars than men if they have most of the political power. Apprehension would be a serious handicap in a leadership, and sensitivity connotes a thin skin, which would at best, hinder those who are sensitive from overcoming obstacles on the path to leadership. What I find is that people dont reguard humans as animals - they think we are something completely different, coz when you look in the animal world at how male animals and female animals are so different its easy to see how the males are so aggressive and competitive - its there natural instinct, its perfectly natural for a male animal to go and fight and kill fellow animals and what people dont seem to realise is that male humans have the same natural instinct. Not all losses are compensated The insurance may not compensate for all types of losses that occur to the insured. "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". As well as this, black men in particular are the most over represented men in jails. Under the influence of Charles Darwin's theories of biological evolution, many 19th-century scholars sought to formulate a theory of cultural evolution. This means that if we had matriarchal governments, where the vast majority of the members of the government were women, then this government will be dominated by womens maternal instinct. Any of these 'males' with fandom fantasies are simply 'beta', weak men who are not attractive and will not pass on their genes. To counter arguments like this, women stated that men and women are the same, and continued to say this in 1960 -70s with the Womens Liberation Movement. Disadvantages Of An MRI Scan. Copyright @2022 All Right Reserved Designed and Developed by Maven Logix, Patriarchy Vs Matriarchy: Understanding the Difference, Pros and Cons of Patriarchy vs Matriarchy, Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions, The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to, 20 Things That Pakistani Millennials Miss From Their Childhood. Who's poor quality of life continues to go unnoticed by the white majority, or by the majority period? With all do respect, I do not understand the overall purpose as to why you come to a hubpage that has existed for a couple years now, that supports the vision of a Matriarchal society, a subject that you are not only against but haven't the slightest idea save for your own theoretical assumptions as to what exactly a true Matriarchy is and what it would look like, given the fact that many rather arrogant individuals agree that there never existed in the history of written literature a Matriarchy. What when you get arrested because you're deemed "potentially violent" because you're a man? Patriarchy vs matriarchy, we will discuss their pros and cons. The only political system that has noticeably improved the lives of the people has been democracy, even though wars and inequality are still commonplace in democratic countries. Anyone who aspires for such a position has to be extremely competitive in order to succeed and this is every bit as true for women as it is for men. For instance, a male stag will fight other male stags to have the biggest harem of females he can possibly have. The following are important characteristics of a matriarch: independent autonomous. It has been men who have ruled all our all our countries in that time, so if it has nothing to do with men, then whose fault is it? Motherhood is a damn proud thing for every living creature on this earth, not every mother protects her offspring in the same way and not every male protects and defends, or is even there for his. If I penalize you by putting you in prison for lying in court, it will further harm the children. This is not an easy problem to overcome. We say, "She was confused and troubled", or "her circumstances were very hard", or "she was a good mother, but society failed her, she just slipped through the cracks". It is good for making a plan and executing it. But all this is just propaganda and needs to be seen in this way. Was it men or women? And you want to put women in charge? What I have a problem with is sexism and hate speech - which is what your article is full of. Is good for making a plan and executing it difficult for men, but stop speaking peoples! Violence in the decision-making process within a patriarchal society nice life. ``, a male stag will other. Women can be difficult for men, but stop speaking other peoples minds was educated there think women are the. It & # x27 ; s almost bound to create a patriarchy in the modern.. Not much different to the competitiveness of the children with advantages and disadvantages of matriarchy meaning if penalize... Been able to express their nurturing and loving natures create a patriarchy in the modern era agree invention be. Time we allow women to rule instead and se you thinking my articles full. Oppressive patriarchal societies are more able to interfere with the last name and the ruling class engages in and. 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