Counterintelligence Core Concerns Course Library: Common Cyber Threat Indicators and Countermeasures Page 8 Removable Media The Threat Removable media is any type of storage device that can be added to and removed from a computer while the system is running.Adversaries may use removable media to gain access to your system. 1 Build a more lethal. Cyber threats to these systems could distort or undermine their intended uses, creating risks that these capabilities may not be reliably employable at critical junctures. FY16-17 funding available for evaluations (cyber vulnerability assessments and . Man-in-the-middle attacks can be performed on control system protocols if the attacker knows the protocol he is manipulating. Prior to the 2018 strategy, defending its networks had been DODs primary focus; see, This discussion provides a high level overview of these topics but does not discuss detailed exploits used by attackers to accomplish intrusion. George Perkovich and Ariel E. Levite (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017), 147157; and Justin Sherman, How the U.S. Can Prevent the Next Cyber 9/11, Wired, August 6, 2020, available at . Additionally, cyber-enabled espionage conducted against these systems could allow adversaries to replicate cutting-edge U.S. defense technology without comparable investments in research and development and could inform the development of adversary offset capabilities. Rather, most modern weapons systems comprise a complex set of systemssystems of systems that entail operat[ing] multiple platforms and systems in a collaborate manner to perform military missions.48 An example is the Aegis weapon system, which contains a variety of integrated subsystems, including detection, command and control, targeting, and kinetic capabilities.49 Therefore, vulnerability assessments that focus on individual platforms are unable to identify potential vulnerabilities that may arise when these capabilities interact or work together as part of a broader, networked platform. 49 Leading Edge: Combat Systems Engineering & Integration (Dahlgren, VA: NAVSEA Warfare Centers, February 2013), 9; Aegis Weapon System, available at . The Cyber Awareness training is intended to help the DOD workforce maintain awareness of known and emerging cyber threats, and reinforce best practices to keep information and systems secure. Foreign Intelligence Entities seldom use the Internet or other communications including social networking services as a collection method a. In September, the White House released a new National Cyber Strategy based on four pillars: The DOD released its own strategy outlining five lines of effort that help to execute the national strategy. 2 (February 2016). large versionFigure 12: Peer utility links. large versionFigure 7: Dial-up access to the RTUs. Significant stakeholders within DOD include the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency, the Cybersecurity Directorate within the National Security Agency, the DOD Cyber Crime Center, and the Defense Industrial Base Cybersecurity Program, among others. Perhaps most distressingly, the GAO has been warning about these cyber vulnerabilities since the mid-1990s. Should an attack occur, the IMP helps organizations save time and resources when dealing with such an event. , Adelphi Papers 171 (London: International Institute for Strategic Studies. Search KSATs. For instance, deterrence may have more favorable prospects when it focuses on deterring specific types of behavior or specific adversaries rather than general cyber deterrence.30, Notably, there has been some important work on the feasibility of cross-domain deterrence as it pertains to the threat of employing noncyber kinetic capabilities to deter unwanted behavior in cyberspace. 2 (January 1979), 289324; Thomas C. Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980); and Thomas C. Schelling, Arms and Influence (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966). Figure 1 presents various devices, communications paths, and methods that can be used for communicating with typical process system components. Multiplexers for microwave links and fiber runs are the most common items. At MAD, Building network detection and response capabilities into MAD Securitys managed security service offering. 5 For a notable exception, see Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay, eds., Cross-Domain Deterrence: Strategy in an Era of Complexity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). For example, there is no permanent process to periodically assess the vulnerability of fielded systems, despite the fact that the threat environment is dynamic and vulnerabilities are not constant. It is an open-source tool that cybersecurity experts use to scan web vulnerabilities and manage them. Even more concerning, in some instances, testing teams did not attempt to evade detection and operated openly but still went undetected. The challenge of securing these complex systems is compounded by the interaction of legacy and newer weapons systemsand most DOD weapons platforms are legacy platforms. Monitors network to actively remediate unauthorized activities. Scholars and practitioners in the area of cyber strategy and conflict focus on two key strategic imperatives for the United States: first, to maintain and strengthen the current deterrence of cyberattacks of significant consequence; and second, to reverse the tide of malicious behavior that may not rise to a level of armed attack but nevertheless has cumulative strategic implications as part of adversary campaigns. To support a strategy of full-spectrum deterrence, the United States must maintain credible and capable conventional and nuclear capabilities. 57 National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Supply Chain Risk Management: Reducing Threats to Key U.S. Supply Chains (Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2020), available at . Large DCS often need to use portions of the business network as a route between multiple control system LANs (see Figure 5). As illustrated in Figure 1, there are many ways to communicate with a CS network and components using a variety of computing and communications equipment. Dr. Erica Borghard is a Resident Senior Fellow in the New American Engagement Initiative, ScowcroftCenter for Strategy and Security, at the Atlantic Council. large versionFigure 1: Communications access to control systems. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980); and Thomas C. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966). 36 these vulnerabilities present across four categories, For this, we recommend several assessments to gain a complete overview of current efforts: Ransomware is an increasing threat to many DOD contractors. MAD Security recently collaborated with Design Interactive, a cutting-edge research and software development company trying to enhance cybersecurity to prevent cyber attacks. Unfortunately, in many cases when contractors try to enhance their security, they face a lot of obstacles that prevent them from effectively keeping their data and infrastructure protected. As DOD begins to use and incorporate emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence, into its weapons platforms and systems, cybersecurity will also need to be incorporated into the early stages of the acquisitions process. The point of contact information will be stored in the defense industrial base cybersecurity system of records. DOD and the Department of Energy have been concerned about vulnerabilities within the acquisitions process for emerging technologies for over a decade.51 Insecure hardware or software at any point in the supply chain could compromise the integrity of the ultimate product being delivered and provide a means for adversaries to gain access for malicious purposes. Operational Considerations for Strategic Offensive Cyber Planning, Journal of Cybersecurity 3, no. Kristen Renwick Monroe (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 2002), 293312. The operator or dispatcher monitors and controls the system through the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) subsystem. GAO Warns Of Cyber Security Vulnerabilities In Weapon Systems The purpose of the Cyber Awareness Challenge is to influence behavior, focusing on actions that authorized users can engage to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities to DoD Information Systems. The business firewall is administered by the corporate IT staff and the control system firewall is administered by the control system staff. There is a need for support during upgrades or when a system is malfunctioning. A system could be exploited through a single vulnerability, for example, a single SQL Injection attack could give an attacker full control over sensitive data. See, for example, Martin C. Libicki, (Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2013); Brendan Rittenhouse Green and Austin Long, Conceal or Reveal? National Counterintelligence and Security Center, Supply Chain Risk Management: Reducing Threats to Key U.S. Supply Chains, (Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 2020), available at <,, For a strategy addressing supply chain security at the national level, beyond DOD and defense institution building. An attacker can modify packets in transit, providing both a full spoof of the operator HMI displays and full control of the control system (see Figure 16). 33 Austin Long, A Cyber SIOP? The DOD is making strides in this by: Retaining the current cyber workforce is key, as is finding talented new people to recruit. See also Alexander L. George, William E. Simons, and David I. Common Confusion between Patch and Vulnerability Management in CMMC Compliance, MAD Security Partners with OpenText Response to improve response time to cyber threats and shrink the attack surface, Analyzing regulations compliance of the current system. 52 Manual for the Operation of the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (Washington, DC: DOD, August 2018). CISA is part of the Department of Homeland Security, Understanding Control System Cyber Vulnerabilities, Sending Commands Directly to the Data Acquisition Equipment, Through discovery, gain understanding of the process. Ibid., 25. The FY21 NDAA makes important progress on this front. Examples of removable media include: To strengthen congressional oversight and drive continued progress and attention toward these issues, the requirement to conduct periodic vulnerability assessments should also include an after-action report that includes current and planned efforts to address cyber vulnerabilities of interdependent and networked weapons systems in broader mission areas, with an intent to gain mission assurance of these platforms. Directly helping all networks, including those outside the DOD, when a malicious incident arises. 5 (2014), 977. The hacker group looked into 41 companies, currently part of the DoD's contractor network. Past congressional action has spurred some important progress on this issue. Often administrators go to great lengths to configure firewall rules, but spend no time securing the database environment. An attacker that gains a foothold on the control system LAN must discover the details of how the process is implemented to surgically attack it. They make threat outcomes possible and potentially even more dangerous. 28 Brantly, The Cyber Deterrence Problem; Borghard and Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion.. DODIG-2019-106 (Washington, DC: DOD, July 26, 2019), 2, available at <,, Valerie Insinna, Inside Americas Dysfunctional Trillion-Dollar Fighter-Jet Program,, Robert Koch and Mario Golling, Weapons Systems and Cyber SecurityA Challenging Union, in, ed. In recent years, that has transitioned to VPN access to the control system LAN. 6 Office of the Secretary of Defense, Annual Report to Congress: Military and Security Developments Involving the Peoples Republic of China 2020 (Washington, DC: DOD, 2020). As adversaries cyber threats become more sophisticated, addressing the cybersecurity of DODs increasingly advanced and networked weapons systems should be prioritized. and Is Possible, in, Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies, , ed. A backup control center is used in more critical applications to provide a secondary control system if there is a catastrophic loss of the main system. (Washington, DC: DOD, February 2018), available at <,, ; Jon Lindsay, Digital Strangelove: The Cyber Dangers of Nuclear Weapons,,, >; Paul Bracken, The Cyber Threat to Nuclear Stability,, William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, AY22-23 North Campus Key Academic Dates Calendar, Digital Signature and Encryption Controls in MS Outlook,,, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - An attacker could also chain several exploits together . However, there is no clear and consistent strategy to secure DODs supply chain and acquisitions process, an absence of a centralized entity responsible for implementation and compliance, and insufficient oversight to drive decisive action on these issues. L. No. With cybersecurity threats on the rise, this report showcases the constantly growing need for DOD systems to improve. 56 Federal Acquisition Regulation: Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Using Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment, Federal Register, July 14, 2020, available at . Federal and private contractor systems have been the targets of widespread and sophisticated cyber intrusions. Prioritizing Weapon System Cybersecurity in a Post-Pandemic Defense Department May 13, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic illustrates the extraordinary impact that invisible vulnerabilitiesif unmitigated and exploitedcan have on both the Department of Defense (DOD) and on national security more broadly. In that case, it is common to find one or more pieces of the communications pathways controlled and administered from the business LAN. 1 The DoD has elevated many cyber defense functions from the unit level to Service and DoD Agency Computer . The objective would be to improve the overall resilience of the systems as well as to identify secondary and tertiary dependencies, with a focus on rapid remediation of identified vulnerabilities. 3 (2017), 454455. Figure 1. DoD will analyze the reported information for cyber threats and vulnerabilities in order to develop response measures as well . And, if deterrence fails, cyber operations to disrupt or degrade the functioning of kinetic weapons systems could compromise mission assurance during crises and conflicts. Failure to proactively and systematically address cyber threats and vulnerabilities to critical weapons systems, and to the DOD enterprise, has deleterious implications for the U.S. ability to deter war, or fight and win if deterrence fails. 58 For a strategy addressing supply chain security at the national level, beyond DOD and defense institution building, see Angus King and Mike Gallagher, co-chairs, Building a Trusted ICT Supply Chain: CSC White Paper 4 (Washington, DC: U.S. Cyberspace Solarium Commission, October 2020), available at . Misconfigurations. Through the mutual cooperation between industry and the military in securing information, the DoD optimizes security investments, secures critical information, and provides an . This led to a backlash, particularly among small- to medium-sized subcontractors, about their ability to comply, which resulted in an interim clarification.56, Moreover, ownership of this procurement issue remains decentralized, with different offices both within and without DOD playing important roles. U.S. strategy focuses on the credible employment of conventional and nuclear weapons capabilities, and the relative sophistication, lethality, and precision of these capabilities over adversaries, as an essential element of prevailing in what is now commonly described as Great Power competition (GPC).18 Setting aside important debates about the merits and limitations of the term itself, and with the important caveat that GPC is not a strategy but rather describes a strategic context, it is more than apparent that the United States faces emerging peer competitors.19 This may be due to changes in the military balance of power that have resulted in a relative decline in Americas position, or China and Russia reasserting their influence regionally and globallyor a combination of these factors.20 While the current strategic landscape is distinct from both the Cold War and the period immediately following, deterrence as a strategic concept is again at the crux of U.S. strategy but with new applications and challenges. However, one notable distinction is Arts focus on the military instrument of power (chiefly nuclear weapons) as a tool of deterrence, whereas Nyes concept of deterrence implies a broader set of capabilities that could be marshalled to prevent unwanted behavior. 35 it is likely that these risks will only grow as the united states continues to pursue defense modernization programs that rely on vulnerable digital infrastructure. For additional definitions of deterrence, see Glenn H. Snyder, Deterrence and Defense (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961); Robert Jervis, Deterrence Theory Revisited, World Politics 31, no. The Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. Your small business may. Each control system LAN typically has its own firewall protecting it from the business network and encryption protects the process communication as it travels across the business LAN. Often firewalls are poorly configured due to historical or political reasons. False 3. Also, improvements in Russias military over the past decade have reduced the qualitative and technological gaps between Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is now mandatory for companies to enhance their ransomware detection capabilities, as well as carry ransomware insurance. An attacker will attempt to gain access to internal vendor resources or field laptops and piggyback on the connection into the control system LAN. 4 (Spring 1980), 6. 13 Nye, Deterrence and Dissuasion, 5455. Leading Edge: Combat Systems Engineering & Integration, (Dahlgren, VA: NAVSEA Warfare Centers, February 2013), 9; Aegis, Based on this analysis, this capability could proactively conduct threat-hunting against those identified networks and assets to seek evidence of compromise, identify vulnerabilities, and deploy countermeasures to enable early warning and thwart adversary action. A telematics system is tightly integrated with other systems in a vehicle and provides a number of functions for the user. See, for example, Eric Heginbotham et al., The U.S.-China Military Scorecard: Forces, Geography, and the Evolving Balance of Power, 19962017, le A. Flournoy, How to Prevent a War in Asia,, June 18, 2020; Christopher Layne, Coming Storms: The Return of Great-Power War,, Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, (Washington, DC: Office of the Director of National Intelligence, February 13, 2018), available at, National Security Strategy of the United States of America, (Washington, DC: The White House, December 2017), 27, available at <,, Daniel R. Coats, Annual Threat Assessment Opening Statement, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, January 29, 2019, available at <, It can help the company effectively navigate this situation and minimize damage. The DoD Cyber Crime Center's DoD Vulnerability Disclosure Program discovered over 400 cybersecurity vulnerabilities to national security. 29 Borghard and Lonergan, The Logic of Coercion; Brandon Valeriano, Benjamin Jensen, and Ryan C. Maness, Cyber Strategy: The Evolving Character of Power and Coercion (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018); An Interview with Paul M. Nakasone, 4. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) is the most significant attempt ever undertaken by Congress to improve national cybersecurity and protect U.S. critical infrastructure from nation-state, non-state, and criminal behavior. The DOD published the report in support of its plan to spend $1.66 trillion to further develop their major weapon systems. Abstract For many years malicious cyber actors have been targeting the industrial control systems (ICS) that manage our critical infrastructures. 114-92, 20152016, available at . Cyber Vulnerabilities to DoD Systems may include: All of the above DoD personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should: Report directly to your CI or Security Office Under DoDD 5240.06 Reportable Foreign Intelligence Contacts, Activities, Indicators and Behaviors; which of the following is not reportable? Though the company initially tried to apply new protections to its data and infrastructure internally, its resources proved insufficient. Therefore, urgent policy action is needed to address the cyber vulnerabilities of key weapons systems and functions. 11 Robert J. Implementing the Cyberspace Solarium Commissions recommendations would go a long way toward restoring confidence in the security and resilience of the U.S. military capabilities that are the foundation of the Nations deterrent. and international terrorist True DoD personnel who suspect a coworker of possible espionage should report directly to your CI OR security Office Cyberspace is critical to the way the entire U.S. functions. Nevertheless, policymakers attention to cyber threats to conventional and nuclear deterrence has been drowned out by other concernssome of which are inflatedin the cyber domain. But the second potential impact of a network penetration - the physical effects - are far more worrisome. 39 Robert Koch and Mario Golling, Weapons Systems and Cyber SecurityA Challenging Union, in 2016 8th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, ed. . a. A person who is knowledgeable in process equipment, networks, operating systems and software applications can use these and other electronic means to gain access to the CS. The use of software has expanded into all aspects of . 41 Weapon Systems Cybersecurity: DOD Just Beginning to Grapple with Scale of Vulnerabilities, GAO-19-128 (Washington, DC: Government Accountability Office, 2018), available at . This often includes maintenance planning, customer service center, inventory control, management and administration, and other units that rely on this data to make timely business decisions. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines a vulnerability as a "weakness in an information system, system security procedures, internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or triggered by a threat source." Learn more about the differences between threats, risks, and vulnerabilities. The hacker group looked into 41 companies, currently part of the DoDs contractor network. Given the extraordinarily high consequence of a successful adversary cyber-enabled information operation against nuclear command and control decisionmaking processes, DOD should consider developing a comprehensive training and educational requirement for relevant personnel to identify and report potential activity. Tests, implements, deploys, maintains, reviews, and administers the infrastructure hardware and software that are required to effectively manage the computer network defense service provider network and resources. Given the potentially high consequences of cyber threats to NC3 and NLCC, priority should be assigned to identifying threats to these networks and systems, and threat-hunting should recur with a frequency commensurate with the risk and consequences of compromise. Modems are used as backup communications pathways if the primary high-speed lines fail. These applications can result in real-time operational control adjustments, reports, alarms and events, calculated data source for the master database server archival, or support of real-time analysis work being performed from the engineering workstation or other interface computers. Our risk assessment gives organizations a better view of how effective their current efforts are and helps them identify better solutions to keep their data safe. Most control systems utilize specialized applications for performing operational and business related data processing. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, see, for example, National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), Implementing Cybersecurity in DOD Supply Chains White Paper: Manufacturing Division Survey Results, (Arlington, VA: NDIA, July 2018), available at <,, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and, Sustainment, Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, available at <, >; DOD, Press Briefing by Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment Ellen M. Lord, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Kevin Fahey, and Chief Information Security Officer for Acquisition Katie Arrington, January 31, 2020, available at <,, Federal Acquisition Regulation: Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Using Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment,, In some instances, testing teams did not attempt to evade detection and response into... 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