While urine odor may vary, it does not have a strong smell. I am "healthy", sporty, talk a lot, write a lot. I hope you find the solution to your problem. It was either him or me. Nothing new but it is good to have a name for it. It's a mystery! It is because of these overlapping symptoms that fibromyalgia came to be categorized as a syndrome rather than a disease. Am considering going back to counseling. Read The Mightys comprehensive guide to fibromyalgia here. The big problem is that one does not get enough body signals that something is seriously wrong; namely having accumulated too many poisons in body, until the immune system suddenly dives of the cliff, with a big painful splat when hitting bottom. Anyway, nothing showed on the scans. I was afraid It was my house that was stinking but I have the sensation outside too. Try an elimination diet, in which you exclude certain food groups each week to see if symptoms improve. I need to nap to get through the day. Kirsten M. R. Exhaustion and seclusion. I don't know if the smell I am unable to rid my brain of is real or insanity. My stomach problems interfere with my life constantly. The problem is you don't always recognize the signals your body is giving you. Yes. The opinions expressed in this column are not those ofFibromyalgia News Today, or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining tofibromyalgia. I cant sit, stand or walk for more than 30 minutes at a time. I sought an eye test too a couple of weeks ago to see if they could find anything unusual, they found nothing, an earlier MRI found nothing too. It could last 3 minutes to an hour or longer and if longer the inside of my nostrils feel like they are on fire. It causes me to drop things a lot. Danika S. The constant sniffles/cough/dry mouth my meds cause. Occasionally I get to taste my food and not feel queasy by the smell of cigarettes or soot. Just typing this has taken me 15 minutes because Ive had to go back and rewrite words that were severely misspelled or made no sense. Marissa E. I mix up words and it comes out so weird! I wonder if it does have something to do with it! Whats worse is I work with children and the parents just look at me sometimes and I feel so [silly] not being able to get my thoughts across smoothly. I also read somewhere that doing a nasal flush may relieve the congestion i have been suffering with when all this started. They have no answers for me, no where else to take and sort out my problem, hence coming on a forum to ask anyone if there is anything new. I buy only organic or fragrance-free grooming and cleaning products. I agonized over my decision to take action, but I finally had no choice. I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. Hi. Often this is accompanied by particularly dark or cloudy urine. So embarrassing. Eloise T. Brain fog When I cant remember the words. About the trick of smelling inside your shirt, I have resourced to that too. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I have had the very same problems after a cold last spring, and am still hopeful that it will improve. I was making dinner for my Hubby and it had a few different spice's in it. My search for others suffering in the same way brought me to the Fibromyalgia Section. I have been wondering if it might be an internal candida (fungal) infection or bad bacteria bloom due to drinking too much soda lately. Its kind of embarrassing. Krystina K. F. My balance. Turns out we plenty.. I always feel awkward telling my doctors about my GI-related symptoms, whether it be nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Mattie M. I have diarrhea. I do hope so ! We have found 15 people from different parts of the world witht same issue.. we are connected here on facebook. It has happened again, hence the reason I found this site. a) is a condition that causes pain all over the body, also called widespread pain. Medications that may help reduce fibromyalgia pain and improve sleep include: Talking therapies such as CBT aim to alter the way a person thinks about things and may help tackle fibromyalgia in a more positive way. With me things don't taste like they should either. I cant control it. Elyse B. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for over 20 years, but I turned much worse about 3 years ago. I've even gone as far as coating the inside of my nose with Vaseline. The inability to regulate your own body temperature is frustrating. Rachel P. As a 27-year-old woman [with] both fibromyalgia and. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I don't go dizzy or anything ,and no ear) feel like your ear is full of water and that I'm in a swimming pool (echoing). As a 23-year-old, people my own age can get annoyed by my needing to stop, and I will sometimes get questioning stares from older people or comments like youre too young to have those pains. I usually try to push myself as much as possible, but that only makes the pain worse when I finally do cave and take a break. Shelby C. The red rash I get on my neck from thin air. Road trips are a b****! Shelby L. S. With pain, when its really bad I get angry at the pain, myself and others. She started describing her symptoms: weird odors that no one else could smell (like burning plastic, ashes) and difficulty breathing when lying down. We'll never know. I hope this helps you realize that you are not going crazy. And, it is getting stronger. . There are some foods which can make the urine have a strong smell. But recently, some people have been reporting a strange new side effect from the vaccine. Awful distracting. I can't get it operated on by the state. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain in muscles and soft tissues all over the body. Maybe it's like my dad said going insane. I live in Arizona where valley fever us very common . I have just ordered one in the hope it will help to heal the issue. What I found that is that the receptors in the brain are off or not communicating due to that sensors in your brain are sending the wrong signals to activate to act. MRI scans have shown nothing they didn't expect to see although I DO have a rare pituitary condition that started many years ago while this problem is fairly recent. Never offered a cure, but as the dental problems resolved so did the smells. The smell that bothers me most is cardboard box's and old fruit. The doctor I saw said he could destroy the nerve with acid. I am sorry but I don't suffer with anything like this. Urinary urgency is described as the urgent need to urinate. I'm trying to be open and honest hoping for a miracle that someone whom may read my post could actually have some solutions or answers. Fibromuscular dysplasia is a condition that causes narrowing (stenosis) and enlargement (aneurysm) of the medium-sized arteries in your body. I know what you mean about missing scents of either flowers or perfumes. <3. I am still researching it. Sleep disorders come in . Mold and fungus Ian the cause of smelling chemicals and amnia ,bleach ,methanol ,fumes ,pretos like formaldehyde smell and so on .It is aused also by bacteria.Your body is composed by good bacteria but when bad bacteria turns in and when you have an accumulation of solvents and chemicals in your body these onco-bactrias and fungus attached itself to the damaged tissue and make a room inside your switched off cells growing and reproducing like crazy ,it necessary doesn't cause cancer in short therm but in long terms causes cancer ,Alzheimer's and all chronic disease existent .Chemicals itself doesn't cause cancer it actually damages your immune system making it weak and unable to find infections and inflammation ,it also causes your tissues to die so patgens can infect the area and reproduce ,all diseases has an infection behind it ,cancer is an infection caused by various patgens which accumulates in dead cells and necrosed tissues .I cured my terrible nose smell after 3 years of hell and I can guarantee you it is caus d by fungus ,mold and bacteria . And just googled smelling a smoky smell and first hits show that it could be brain cancer. Probably didn't need it, but woke up with 1 blocked nostril this morning. I'm also amazed how many people smell this Smoke. You're taking a sulfa drug so that means your urine does become more concentrated. Fibro fog is the worst! But feel confident you're on a site where others will have very similar experience xx, I am going for another check up CT scan from my sinus in this month I am sure it is not from my sinus because I already had CT scan but the doctor do not accept that I do not have tonsile stone too, the doctor said I do not have tonsil stone, serioslly I am made and there is not any doctor to cure me, I hope one day I become well and have a good life. Tenderness to touch. The smell is very hard to describe as it smells like nothing else, definately not a burning or over the last 2 days my pain levels have taken a nose dive and i am now experiencing some of the Fibro. The neurologist did look into my nose and said it is still not right? If you are on facebook. This mans mailbox was adjacent to my desk, so several times each day he came in to check for contents. Unfortunately, strong odors are not limited to the workplace. To the uninitiated, it seems impossible that an odor could cause physical symptoms, such as headache, nausea, fatigue, confusion, and dizziness especially when the odor isn't even a particularly unpleasant one. Stress makes symptoms of fibromyalgia worse. Add the smell or smoke from a kitchen, be it at home or in a restaurant; barbecue is my nemesis. I had an excellent sense of smell for ages [even as an ex-smoker] and from one day to the next, it came on. Smelling weird smell is driving me nuts. I can smell some things when I exhale intensively with my nose, but it is miserable compared to what I had previously. So the zinc and magnesium is not the answer. The random back spasms that leave me unable to walk while in the middle of a store. During the summer I wear sweaters and always have to have a jacket wherever I go. I cant do anything too long or I get so tired it becomes painful to keep my eyes open. Since I'm not a doctor, I'm not going to suggest treatment. Last winter I had a problem with my woodburner and inhaled a lot of very acrid smelling air and I became hypsensitive to the smell. This kind of smell it's driving me crazy! People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing. The weirdest thing about all of this is what i'm about to tell you now.during this sensation of smelling these weird smells, when it gets un-bearable and tears are pouring out of my eyes, if i open the top of my T-shirt, bow down and put my face in there, the smell vanishes as soon as i breath inside the T-shirt.
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