In "The First Commandment", Daniel Jackson says this with a tone of disgust about the meal they're eating. Weddings Corporate Events Festivals Private Parties Clubs. They pointed out the natural behavior of sharks, the high improbability of being attacked, and the large numbers that are killed every year to make, First, Adam created a 1/4-scale recreation of Jack's death scene in a tub of salty water. They repeated the test with two simulated cadavers and brought in an orthopedic surgeon to assess the extent of injuries with a portable X-ray machine. Kari and Tory both registered significantly shorter "reaction" than "action" times, so Adam and Jamie set up a trial to factor in the effect of a live enemy shooting back. Grant's success rate was low (11/20, or little better than chance), but Tory was able to detect texture differences that gave him a 17/20 success rate. Adam and Jamie brought in two similar cars, put together a load of luggage that would fit into either of them, and split the volunteers into 10 man/woman pairs. It causes him to develop super-intelligence. Adam and Jamie took pictures of the backs of 100 people's hands, 50 of each gender. One at a time, the volunteers spent 3 minutes sitting in each cabin, then made their guess as to which one Adam was referring to. Come check out our giant selection of T-Shirts, Mugs, Tote Bags, Stickers and More. A person armed with a knife cannot win a fight against one carrying a pistol. However, one last test with Tory pushing caused the cars to overshoot the turn and veer off in the opposite direction. Jamie fired into the undercarriage of a suspended car at point-blank range, using a 9mm pistol similar to those used on the show. They designed a canoe with an outrigger for stability, using a bamboo frame and a tape hull, and put together an impromptu worktable to keep dirt out of the tape as they worked. Humans give off a detectable scent when they are sufficiently scared. which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth. And really, thats fine; its hard to fault a decade-old series for adapting and loosening its restrictions somewhat over the years. It's actually possible that the compounds that give the average serving of unseasoned chicken meat its characteristic taste, In Shanghai, P.J. Just in time for Thanksgiving, the MythBusters team up with celebrity chef Alton Brown to find out if you can cook lasagna in a dishwasher and a meal under the hood of a car. It took him over 2 hours to finish digging. Played with in another episode, where a food-obsessed alien who has never eaten chicken gets some and thinks it's amazingly good. The first test had the various meats battered, fried, and seasoned. Adam and Jamie presented facts about shark species that do not fit one or the other of these traits. This white meat is a delicacy in Native American and Cajun cuisines, where it's histor. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Firing a bullet into the side of an airplane at altitude can cause a large amount of suction that massively expands the bullet hole and sucks out the passengers. This special Thanksgiving episode of Mythbusters is all about weird food myths. The team built a mockup of an office cubicle, placed Buster at the desk, and set off a 1lb (454g) charge of C4. When Jamie ran at Adam with a foam knife from this distance, Adam was able to shoot him; a second test at 20ft (6.1m) gave the same result. Their top throwing speed was 47mph (76km/h), but all of their needles only bounced off. The Build Team's second myth is even more of a no-brainer, and to say the methods used to test it are suspect is putting it mildly. A particular Chinese pressure vessel can be used to cook popcorn faster than any other known method. The sandstone penetrated 1 layer and destroyed 2 bricks; the limestone, 1 layer and 3 bricks; the granite, 2 layers and 4 bricks. Grant set his cannon up to fire vertically downward into a floating boat, using the fiberglass and wood hulls. The team commented, however, that this activity was very uncomfortable and dangerous, due to the powder's tendency to absorb saliva and potential to cause respiratory infections. A shark can ram a boat with enough force to punch a hole in its hull. Adam and Jamie investigated two myths based on movie scenes involving the transportation and burial of dead bodies. |. The new cola kind did it, too, particularly once the idea had got in your head. Today reports that Aldi is well aware that its private-label poultry tastes a lot like the popular fast food chain's chicken. The team hoisted a sixpack of cans of each beer type up on a construction crane and dropped them at the same time from 100ft (30m). Men are better overall drivers, but break the speed limit more often. Despite the mechanical failures, they classified the myth as plausible, based on the sensor readouts and their own sensations. The length of a typical action-movie gunfight is realistic. In short, practically everything tastes like chicken in Fiction Land. Test stopped early for Jamie's safety (he was in a child's rubber boat on the ocean, with increasingly aggressive sharks closing in), Jamie's first time in a shark cage, testing the myth that it could be damaged or destroyed if a shark hit it at high enough speed. Garfield comments that the cat food he's eating "tastes sort of like chicken". She has a degree in broadcast journalism and lives outside of Los Angeles. Previous: Episode 195: Cannonball Chemistry. Two tests with different drop heights failed to cause a discharge; Grant commented that the movie weapon may have been fitted with a hair trigger or other modifications to set it off. Although he did not immediately lose control, the tire had gone completely flat after 0.5mi (805m) and he was forced to stop. "Yeah. After all, the grocer itself reportedly revealed its golden Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich dupe recipe to the same outlet. Chef David Lawrence with the MythBusters crew. Based on a scene in. O'Rourke was invited to try a shotglass full of cobra blood. Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed. When Adam placed the Jack surrogate on top, the board sank. They did not respond to human blood, but did notice a drop of fish blood diluted 1 million times. The Build Team answers a series of randomly chosen letters sent in by viewers, answering questions and doing a series of short tests. Jamie pointed out that as a wet cooking method, it made the lasagna more moist than usual, but he too found it delicious. They then built one themselves which successfully flipped the car. With the others blindfolded, Kari fed each of them 20 samples (9 exotic, 11 chicken); they had to guess whether or not each was chicken. Indianapolis-based Tastes Like Chicken is a favorite dance and party band for. A dog owner volunteered to let the cast use his pet, but they decided not to take the risk of having a shark eat it. At a bomb range, Jamie's rig achieved a distance of 60 to 80ft (18 to 24m), and Adam stood behind a glass shield 60ft (18m) away (matching the video) to try and hold it off. Similarly inane, but on the opposite end of the visual-appeal spectrum, is the short interlude wherein Jamie, Adam, and Alton use a scary-looking pressurized device to make instant popcorn, which actually takes 10 and a half minutes to pressurize before exploding into a gorgeous hi-def, slo-mo plume of popcorn. Extensive safety precautions observed during explosion testing. Not chicken per se, but the concept is played with when G'Kar serves dinner to a Narn ambassador: The concept was explored in an episode of, Later on the episode when thinking how to help chicken farmers, he considered stop eating chicken before disregarding it immediatly since "chicken is delicious" while eating from a bucket and adding. Kari and Tory, in the back seat, graded the performances on a 100-point scale and penalized for mistakes such as backtracking and excess mileage. It seems like the kind of thing the could be measured by jacking up the car and letting the engine run, but as it turns out, going outside M6 turns up some important results, namely that the engine components get much hotter when the cars not in motion, due to the lack of air running under the hood. Each of 12 more volunteers had a hand picture taken and mixed with 9 others of the same gender, race, and hand size/shape, and then had to try to identify it within 60 seconds. They found that if two wheels, diagonally opposite each other, were turned 45 degrees out of phase with the other two, the cart achieved a balance of smoothness and stability. NAME OF GAME: Tomb Raider NAME OF UNLOCK: Tastes Like Chicken UNLOCK DESCRIPTION: 10 small animals killed and looted DIFFICULTY: Any This is a detailed guide designed to help you get the trophy/achievement/unlock (Tastes Like Chicken) while playing Tomb Raider. They take an ostensibly scientific approach to the process, first using thermocouples to measure the different heat points under the hood as the three of them drive, with police escort, to the country. This idea was tested on the Food Network show Food Detectives, and found to be true for most meat from non mammals. Fast Easy Cheap Vegan - 101 Recipes you can make in 30 minutes or less for $10 or less and with 10 ingredients or less! When Sam Carter asks what's wrong with it tasting like chicken, Jackson says it's supposed to be macaroni and cheese. A section of rope rigging was hung from the building to represent the vines in the movie scene. Kari, Grant and Tory test tryptophan and what really tastes like chicken. But as much fun as Kari seems to be having foisting rattlesnake, frog, squab, and other white-meat chicken stand-ins upon her teammates, the falseness of this premise is apparent well before Tori points it out: Texture is as big a component of taste as flavor is, and both Tori and Grant were able to guess pretty accurately because of it. They placed thermocouples throughout the engine compartment and around the exhaust to find the best sources of heat. A challenge from viewers to try new feats using excavators, based on "Excavator Exuberance" from 2011. (Though the fact that Grant incorrectly identified chicken as not-chicken should invalidate all his responses, no?) On Monday November 19th, catch guest chef Ken Tominaga and sake sommelier Stuart Morris of Hana Japanese Restaurant. Myth: All sharks have the same streamlined body shape and carnivorous feeding habits. After only 2 of them guessed correctly, Adam and Jamie judged the myth busted, but noted that having all 10 volunteers visit the cabins in the same order may have affected the results. Based on a firefighting viral video. | Find out whether Tory, Kari or Grant gained weight during the filming of this episode, which item was the GROSSEST to eat, who is the best cook, and why Thanksgiving might be tricky this year. They then tested with the same balloon setup as in their previous car crash test, which only reduced the impact to 98 Gs, popping all of the balloons in the process. Grant: Racing a remote-controlled car against a second car dropped from a helicopter in ". The drop with no mattress resulted in a paralyzing spinal cord injury and shattered pelvis, while the drop onto the mattress led to even worse pelvic and spinal injuries and a dislocated knee and elbow. ), Original Australian air date: September 24, 2012, This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 01:47. On the second day, after a meal with the same number of calories but with protein powder in place of the turkey, Tory scored 48 points and Grant scored 42 points. Using his own fastest technique of a foil-covered bowl over a gas burner, Alton was able to pop a batch of corn in 1 minute and 45 seconds. Adam and Jamie built a bite force tester, but could not get any sharks to bite on it. When Adam fired the pistol, the speed and trajectory of the ricochet matched those from the stationary test. Alice is trying to get Bob to eat a new meal that people don't usually eat (usually from an alien planet). Mythbusters has been showing its age for a while now, having long since abandoned its original premise of testing the veracity of urban legends in favor of re-creating movie stunts and YouTube videos, building ambitious yet pointless contraptions, and/or just blowing stuff up. It's outright inverted with emus and ostriches, which taste like beef. They classified the myth as plausible, noting the specific set of circumstances needed to sink a boat. This is supposed to convey the message that the taste is, if not good, at least blandly inoffensive. Turkey has a richer, slightly greasier flavor, especially noticeable with the dark meat. For this supersizing of frying an egg on the hood of a car, Alton surmised that they would need a large car that was a V8 to V12 - and furthermore, an older one because a newer one, as he said, would be "too plasticky." Myth: Sharks will die of asphyxiation if they do not keep moving at all times. After choosing three fan-submitted torments at random, each member spent 7 minutes in a transparent coffin with one of them. Myth: The presence of dolphins will deter sharks from attacking prey. A wineglass and sealed bottle were placed on a table, and the bucket was fitted with an attachment to pick up and hold the bottle. The goal was to launch the arrows at the peak of the flight, using a fuse cut to an appropriate length; although the stabilizing fins fell off in midair, the arrows did launch at once. And for some, the texture of the meat may be a dead giveaway no matter how it's prepared (as Tory proved in the first round of testing; this is what prompted the ground-up-then-grilled test). The boat only began to sink after more than 4,000lb (1,814kg) of ice had been added, more than the world record hail-fall of 4ft (1.2m) in a single afternoon. Myth: A scuba tank will explode with lethal force if shot with a rifle. Take a look at the menu here. Adam finished in 1:20, Jamie in 1:55, leading them to call the myth plausible. You yourself won't know for sure unless you try them. The team declared the myth busted for human throwers at this point, but Tory modified an air rifle to fire the needles at high speed. While Alton prepared the ingredients, Adam and Jamie built or modified containers to hold the dishes and Jamie added insulation under the hood where needed. Everything tastes like chicken to Daniel. |. Kari and Tory measured the distance and hang time of their own long jumps to serve as a benchmark for a typical person. Kanagaroo, snake, bullfrog - all dishes that have been likened to poultry. Said exactly by Matter Eater Lad from the Legion Of Superheroes when he eats a giant alien beast. MythBusters (2012 season) The cast of the television series MythBusters perform experiments to verify or debunk urban legends, old wives' tales, and the like. This is a list of the various myths tested on the show as well as the results of the experiments (the myth is Busted, Plausible, or Confirmed). When the crew hauled the cage back and let it swing over, the six prisoners were able to grab hold and keep their grip. And anyway, Mythbusters has always been more about the journey than the destinationor, in scientific-method terms, its about the experiment, not the confirmation. They scaled down the powder charge based on each ball's weight to match the speed of the iron one, then set up pallets of bricks to stand in for a castle wall. Fast-twitch fibers are the vanilla ice cream of the flesh-product world, and don't really have much of a flavor to start with. Jingy_ 10 yr. ago. But James Cameron said that while that meant the prop designers had gotten the size wrong, the script from the movie said that Jack had to die. Kari used a Whack-a-Mole game to test the response times of Tory and Grant. They set up a typical driver-education course and Adam drove it twice, with Jamie evaluating his performance on a 100-point scale. They noted that as soon as the cables were cut, the bridge lost the tension holding it up and the jumper's support was gone. Comments from the Build Team on having to dive at night. The first meal was a very large holiday meal with turkey and trimmings. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Facebook. They noted that two equally matched gunfighters would probably end up killing each other. A driver being chased by another car can ricochet a bullet off the road surface and up through the pursuer's floorboard to distract or injure him. In honor of Thanksgiving, the MythBusters team up with celebrity chef Alton Brown to determine if you can cook lasagna in a dishwasher and a meal under the hood of a car. Kari noted that all food items destroyed on the show were well past their expiration date and no longer fit for human consumption. Ironically, dinosaurs (though admittedly not T. rex directly) are related to birds. A particular, inaudible sound frequency can lead people to believe that an area is haunted. In Absolutely Normal Chaos, the heroine's best friend tells her that kisses taste like chicken. dormouse): as found by Heston Blumenthal, they taste like pork. Tests with aluminum, fiberglass, and wood hulls at speeds of 80,150 and 300mph (129,241 and 483km/h) did not lead to any punctures, except in one test when a shot struck a rotted patch on the wood hull. Tory tucked his spoonful into his cheek and eventually managed to swallow it after letting enough saliva accumulate in his mouth. They set up a dummy and placed a needle in one hand, and attached a clamp to the excavator's bucket to hold a piece of thread. While Adam installed an accelerometer in Buster's chest to measure g-forces on impact, Jamie set up a 35ft (10.7m) platform at the shallow end of a local swimming pool. The Build Team selected the start and end points for a highway drive and marked them on a map. However, the cooking with the engine compartment was successful, and they ended up with a dinner that included the following dishes: Assisted by a nutrition professor, Kari designed three holiday meals for the other two, to be eaten on consecutive days. Tory scored 63 points and Grant scored 67 points, both beating their control test. They obtained a car similar to the one in the scene, modified it to accept an ejector seat, and fitted it with enough rockets to generate 800lbf (3,559N) of thrust. The falseness of the axiom "tastes like chicken" should be. Adam, Jamie, and Alton found a large, older car that had plenty of space under the hood. One drop gave way under a weight of 650lbf (2,891N). The three that gave the slowest timeshigh heels, wedges, and snow bootswere chosen for full-scale testing. However, when he tried again at the deep end, the buoyancy caused him to tip over backwards. Adam and Jamie set up an obstacle course to run with a 150lb (68kg) simulated cadaver. According to Garfield's translation of Odie's barking, an EarthForce general and the EarthAlliance president, Harry the Hufflepuff 3 - Harry's Year off. Jamie subjected himself to the sound and reported feeling unnerved. They set out to determine whether a group of six people in a suspended spherical cage could At the bomb range, the Build Team attached a drum to a wheeled dolly and ignited the methanol remotely with a road flare. For a larger test, Jamie built a military-style flamethrower, while Adam made a new extinguisher that used pressurized water to drive the CO2 out and improve the range. Kari, Grant and Tory put tryptophan to the test and find out what really tastes like chicken. The Build Team set up an obstacle course for Tory to run through while Grant and Kari fired paintball guns at him. When he developed severe back pain overnight, though, he left the final attempt up to the stuntman, who jumped from the full 35ft (10.7m) and came safely to a stop in just over 4.5ft (1.4m) of water. Their first attempts to drive the course ended in failure, but they discovered that the paper they had used to cover the windshields was too opaque. Adam and Jamie set up a dirt track consisting of a straight stretch leading to a steep uphill run. "People may very well have said it before, but as far as the historical record is . Provided with the same ingredients, each had one hour to cook the same four dishesvegetables, a chicken drumstick, a hamburger, and a steak. The segment was shelved since the quick result gave no chance for the team to expand on the myth's background or the processes involved. Seeing as how avians and reptiles have a relatively recent common ancestor, it makes perfect sense that lizards and squamates taste like chicken. Although the two explosions appeared very similar and destroyed one of the cameras, the team chose the dryer as being slightly more impressive. When Adam put on the armor and dived in, many sharks were attracted to him, possibly drawn by the electromagnetic fields due to the metal (see. Adam posted a time of 3:06; Jamie struggled at the window and finished in 4:33. The Build Team chose four fully automatic weapons for testing: Adam and Jamie fired a pair of pistols with 8-round magazines, using a 10-point scale based on speed and accuracy as in the 2011 test. They then set up a trailer with a high-speed camera and measuring scale and towed it behind a pickup truck at 45mph (72km/h) as Jamie drove. Both a control run and a test with 100lb (45kg) ANFO gave a range of 23ft (7.0m), leading the team to judge the myth busted. grab and hold on to vines on the ravine's vertical face. Not a chicken example, but in Terra's debut episode in, Because the sense of taste is subjective and can be affected by many factors, there will probably be a lot of odd things that some people sincerely believe taste like chicken. However, subsequent tests with separate configurations of balloon "animals", small balloons and large balloons yielded respective impacts of 6, 2.8 and 2 Gs. Krampus puts in a good word for the coal industry. The average score for the men was 51, while the women scored 45, with the men being able to pack the cars slightly faster, suggesting slightly better performance for the men. Because chicken is a very common food that is eaten almost everywhere by everyone, it becomes the benchmark for comparison by default. Adam and Jamie count down their 25 favorite shark-related myths. This stone-simple technique may not be the most gimmicky or visually exciting element to come out of this crossover event, but unlike pretty much everything else in this entertaining yet contrived episode, its actually useful information. Jamie, in response to this, came up with a vintage V8 Cadillac. Square wheels can give an advantage in hill-climbing when compared to round ones. They set up a test course, using a heavy-duty pickup equipped with vibration sensors, and drove a control run (using round wheels) at speeds up to 60mph (97km/h). Adam and Jamie worked on building food containers and insulating areas under the hood while Alton prepared a meal consisting of turkey, sides, and miniature pies for desert. They put Buster in the same position as that used on the show (buttocks first) and dropped him into the pool. The restaurant will be screening the episode at 5pm and again at 8pm on Sunday, and you can partake in the adventure with the $5 . Building the Fire Dragon to an overall length of 6ft (1.8m), the Build Team took it into the desert to fine-tune the ignition timing. They worked separately on modifications to improve traction on the uphill run. Since they were unable to replicate the video results, they declared the myth busted. Jamie trained with a professional stuntman to learn jumping/landing techniques, working his way up to greater heights. The Build Team started by throwing needles at panes of typical window glass, with thickness 0.125in (3.2mm). (Myth only shown online and in versions of the episode aired outside the US. It is possible to set up a holiday meal inside a car's engine compartment and drive long enough to fully cook all the food. For small-scale testing of other wheel orientations, Adam and Jamie returned to the shop and built a cart to run on a treadmill. 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