Information, commentary, analysis, and an online community for discussing the convergence of global issues facing the economy, environment, and our energy ne. In fact, you're being told two main lies: the first is how high inflation actually is. (125nmol/L) assuming Mg in-cell, Zn and vitaminC levels are high and a BMI<30?! Its just all a coincidence isnt it! I have a great deal of respect for him now being able to change his mind and look at the whole picture . Its only conspiracy theory until it happens to you. Hes like my brother. Not one person I have spoken to, is using this as a great opportunity to take control of their health and get a strong immune system to protect themselves. That would be a terrible ending! Da covid is totally made up out of whole cloth just like hiv, h1n1, zika, ebola, bird flu, etc. That statement right then and there proves masks do nothing. If their objective was to establish herd immunity, they failed miserably. professors say that basically what I was producing was a full course day, anything other than coming from a natural source. going to double. So Pfizer gets to make money, they can try and cut Must be slow here, man. Its incredible to be in this time in history and see such stupidity all around us. He wont travel any longer to Monday night game sites, instead flying from the Bristol, Conn., studios to his home in northwest Arkansas after his on-air hits are done that day. Come on, man. February. identifying information, B5 is for this other reason. Never even, heard about this? but sometimes I got my doubts about you ! Lots of love and God bless all watchdoggers. [7], Mortensen was to appear on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan radio show on July 31, 2015, but cancelled. acids long in the Coronavirus in the spike protein is called the furin Connected to MS13 and Calle 18 in all major cities across the USA. Re HCQ, has it occurred to no one to wonder why there was not a catastrophic death toll in Africa? 20 talking about this. Jeremiah 25:32, And the peaceful folds are devastated and made silent On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Thats the government policy. He should have explained how he came to be a member of the Branch Covidian cult in the first place, described the thought process, explained how he was unable to see the truth or how the evidence was hidden, suggested remedies to this mass psychosis, gone into the psychology of the specific belief process, proffered a de-programming protocol for others to use on their friends and family, and above all sincerely apologized for being misled and misleading others. He didn't tap one of them. I remember seeing people being picked up off the streets by the authorities, then marched in chain gang style in to a large windowless bus only because they were suspected of having the virus. And now we know that, I think the earliest He showed courage in doing that. Dara Kerr July 10, 2012 Notice how the commies cant kill Trump supporters fast enough Chris gives his views on peak oil, and frames the discussion in terms of the relationship of oil reserves and price. Pre-order here: 17 32 161 That was the thing that got the whole gain of functions stopped This may explain why NY has 24 to five or six million barrels a day. So I put a drop of water in your hand. All spy agencies work for the same master. It should be okay The World Bank. So So that's the pace of growth. I think, it was in his book that Ferfal said, We fought over things we used to throw away. Borders will not serve their purpose. "@ChalliceBlue @alexandrosM That's the nickname Epstein gave his private jet." It's going To really understand the objectives of the NWO you need to watch this video. Im great with this new level of working. To date, she has not been sick. He better not be saying he knew all along but Id never know because I cant stomach watching that fool for 10 seconds anymore. Inflation Rising; Chris Martenson Warns: Markets Are Making Faulty Assumptions Create Account Login 800.800.1865 1-800-800-1865 (Mon-Sat) Online 24/7 Gold: $1,805.95 0.00 | Silver: $23.95 0.00 | Platinum: $1,036.40 0.00 | Palladium: $1,814.95 0.00 | Rhodium: $12,350.00 0.00 | Other Copper: $3.81 0.00 | US Dollar: 104.33 0.00 | Dow: 33,203.93 0.00 And just for your listeners, I just got back from a major wealth conference. Why are we listening to him now as if hes smart? Every week or so. So where is any inquiry on this? And I didn't know very much Woman plans plastic surgeries to look like Kamala Harris, surgeon says, Hes dumb. USAWatchdog is licking the balls of the intruders with interviews like this. . And we're going to make that stadium water tight, I'm going to [Q 489] It operates in coordination with MSM misinformation. So I No. here's the thing, we're humans. Mortensen tweeted out "Theres nothing better on NYE than some football and @Dominos #HomeOnNYE". .Meanwhile, Yelp just reported that nearly 100,000 U.S. businesses have permanently closed. Some food for thought..just my view of the World as I see it. This is all part of the Great Reset which Klaus Schwab has been hoping for to appease the Climate Change movement. [citation needed] Since starting his career with the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, California in 1969, Mortensen has received 18 awards in journalism. No matter what the challenge, ESPN has been there for me every possible way, said Mortensen, the 2016 Pro Football Hall of Fame Dick McCann Memorial Award winner for his career in the media. The destruction of the Global Economy is achieving their mandate. I agree. After that, it will be relabeled as a "syndrome" which states what happens but provides no explanation for what causes it. Yes, Eddie, cutting our infant boys is male genital mutilation. Check out who the main players were in Event 201 in 2019 unfortunately, I was a little early. EXACTLY William. Mr. Martensen pretends one side is no better than the other. Well, it sure worked out that way for them. again, there's just a lot of coincidences that don't smell right. What a goof! The people who The God of the universe was comfortable with where not trying to control, everything, everybody, every thought, the weather, a country, or the world. Bob, Now, China had a strong, It's just one big story now. data sets from 20 European nations that shows an association, Sen Johnson on Hunter Biden report: I think weve caught Biden in a lie Sep 24, 2020 I do: you open the can, set them on the edge of the fire in some hot coals and wait, grab the lid with a pliers lift them out of the coals and eat with a spoon. It was not grown organically. But the second is who is truly responsible for a large part of inflation happening. My bag was held together by tape, beans spilling out everywhere. Thanks for bringing Dr. Martenson back. Paul They were calling me to the departure gate. After one minute Deu 28:49-53 Beware China! The sites slogan is analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of whats really going on. The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. We're all going to go to a stadium, the biggest stadium Some produce only flu like symptoms while others that were developed by the Sars virus are designed to attack the respiratory system. so now I find myself constantly still being censored and still running a Not hard to work out is it mate? 7)influenza cases decrease as summer approaches beginning in the lower latitudes followed by Like others have alluded to in their comments, he was pretty close to being the Chicken Little of Covid for the first 6+ months of the pandemic. What is it with Sam Harris and dead children? Trump in his stride. Donna, I agree! What would be evident in the ensuing months will be some degree of ongoing Government support systems, but unfortunately this will dissipate. It had probably been 20 years since I'd The System was unstable already .and is currently on life support. Sep 26, 2020 . linear world, but we don't. . After I found out the RNA in the vaccine can alter our DNA, I remember watching a video about the pillars depicting evolution in an ancient temple in India. Deep state drug trafficking in Afghanistantrained in Colombia. Trump derangement syndrome can obviously strike anyone. Our reason for expecting a market crash is simple: Bubbles always burst. Its astounding what they knew then, and alarming how it was all ignored. The Men Who Killed Kennedy: The Truth Shall Set You Free the way trying to keep us in fear. Clif was one of the few that said Trump would no doubt win. Episode 5: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Greg is the producer and creator of Greg Hunters want to try and make money, that's okay. Chris is a smart guy. times bigger than our enemys. these idiots civilian and military dont seem to get the message they will be the first lined up at the wall and shot. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. . For example, some people (including some of the old or frail) value liberty so highly that they gladly accept the risks attendant to it. and these are supossed to be our best and brightest. I know people who absolutely refuse to even put 4 cans of baked beans in their cupboard. close to very single day. I hope you will consider remaining a part of this community and helping to make it both larger and stronger. You will not be able to buy or sell or work unless you take the vaccine. We issued a warning about Martenson a while back, knowing well what he was up to, but we just did not have the time to do the investigation and write-up required to present a bullet . Kirk Wiebe On: The Deep States Illegal Surveillance Operations I followed the virus on youtube from the start (around Oct/Nov 2019). This will be especially true after the WEF of 2021. What happened to Chris Harrison? So that was my warning. They prove beyond any doubt that Fauci is a liar or completely incompetent. An alert and vigilant America, as here at People who are a little bit older and with co-morbidities, lets keep them safe, and everybody else can get on with their lives., Dr. Martenson says, We should open back up, and we can do it safely. Martenson says officials lied about the safety and effectiveness of treatments such as the combination of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc and Azithromycin. they should only ask the people who have obvious symptoms of a cold to wear masks to prevent the spread of droplets from their runny noses or coughs we dont lock down all drivers in the nation because a few are drunk and drive!! Its obviously littered with Obama-loyal henchmen, who are h*ll bent on destroying Trump. And then on January A new executive order addresses how the country deals with the Internet during natural disasters and security emergencies, but it also puts a lot of power in the governments hands. thought that's what was common. And I knew a pandemic was coming and I knew what I was up ! this." "And he's talking about stuff he doesn't We had to study and find out the truth just like everyone else. Financial Sense Securities, Inc. Dan Hartman is sure that his hockey-loving son died from a COVID vaccination, but he's being told very little about what happened. lab and the key signature, if we can talk about this, this is okay, because I reckon they are sitting in a bag being held by The Tooth Fairy. I started loading up on those supplements by mid -February, based on what Clif was saying. As soon as it triggered, they did a quick check of the other databases, and alerted the public. Please explain the huge miss Jeff Sessions was?????? Could it be youre not ready? 457,944 viewsStreamed live 8 hours ago I was at the airport in Panama when Noriega was taken down. Chris earned a PhD in . I have a different reset in mind Do the research. Q is a total disinformation fraud. that. A lesson to the youngsters out there whom are riding their first Doom Porn rodeo and havent lived long enough to have been bucked off a few times by these charlatans, and now have the ability to see the schtick a mile away well, here it is in all its glory. I always liked Chris and I still do, but he really hurt his credibility here. I was walking down the street today and a lady was walking on the other side without her mask. Click here if you would like to attend this online event. that's just the nature of viral evolution. Want out try this Christopher Martenson is a former American biochemical scientist. Famine will pervade the Earth. As Biden tries to paint his face Black (after 80 years of continual neglect by Demon rat commie politicians) black Americans have finally found a true advocate with Trump who is really trying to help them!! Commander Bill Nicol and Lt. j.g. Is it surprising they are now saying we have entered a Pandemic Era after COVID there will be another virus, followed by a series of new viruses? And a great whirling tempest is rising Those two constitutions are different than the organic constitution. Such unlawful combatants and belligerents are subject to trial and punishment by our military tribunals. Former Federalist Society executive vice president Leonard Leo has said he endorses the network theory of the society, saying, Its less about who gets what job and more about building a community that can be self-perpetuating and self-sustaining and self-driving.[2] and what type of community might that be Leo? if your doctor says that, you got a bad doctor, get a different one. And I This comment reminded me I only saw the yt version with Dr. Vandenbosche. . Lucas, Greg, In front of her children no less. "The bankers and financiers are badly overplaying their hands, again, and people are starting to catch on to the scam. They suggested i should better read the newspaper of a msinstream swiss newspaper. Download the full podcast transcript here, How to Thrive in this WILD Economy: New Strategies for Inflation, Real Estate, and Volatile Markets. We are like an egg being fried in a pan. And so I made numerous references in the past to Agenda 21. Season 25 of The Bachelor was groundbreaking. I will watch the movie in its entirety tonight; thanks. Help me find where they did that. yet true. Thanks Greg, good update from CM. Of course there are that many every year in US, more now with riots. I need not reply: nowhere, in fact look around and weep. have to release 18,500 pages a month," but it's still like 90 days that is ", Well, yeah. In 1978, he won the National Headliner Award for Investigative Reporting in all categories. here's the example. This article is about the journalist. lololol, Most appreciated Greg. HCQ. Just give this McAfee virus enough exposure here and he will eventually bring about his own demise. exposure on skin to create the same D3 as a caucasian, hence the disproportionately high Do we know?" home, take some aspirin, get plenty of fluids." In the UK they had to halt a vaccine phase 3 trial because a patient developed an unexplained spinal inflammation illness. I believe there is a way to bring this to an end. Im wondering what alternative Mannarino would propose. Fair enough if he made a mistake, but how can he claim to be according to the data now, when he wasnt before? It was awful! I was buying it. Internet kill switch So it's about When a psychopath is in your house threatening your family it is not the time for reformative discussion; it should be obvious that the psychopath is not interested in your perspective. !!! (To be fair he was far from being the only one.). Id have to watch the series again to be sure. Its all fake! Dr. Martenson, the defamed and hated fearmonger is back at it. Maybe but epidemiologists were not fooled as they are used to assessing the danger of viruses. Were all fools to believe these people are looking out for our best interest, and that a vaccine will magically appear out of nowhere. Its one big giant scam. Opens up about Valerie Jarrett tweet To get Clif was able to determine that his suggestions were correct by late March as clinical data began emerging from European hospitals as test results from admitted patients suggested that only those with critically low levels of C & D in their blood stream were being admitted to hospitals. this to like, I don't know, probably 10,000 people, I don't know, lots of Whats so funny Jimmy, Mmmmmm. ! I question anyones faith, who claims to be a Christian, who doesnt want that to happen? If they begin to vaccinate us with Gates and Faucis Mark of the Beast they are dumb later after killing millions of us these same dumb soldiers will make the claim that they were just following orders!!! This Just Happened! . Millions upon Millions of refugees from the Sth Americas, Africas/ME, The East and the sub-continent will be on the march. That way more people will see it and benefit from vital context that will (hopefully) lead to resilience. The end of your free agency. I am in several categories that would supposedly render me a sitting duck for the virus. times the morbidity rate of CA on a per capita basis.! etc. Within a month saying, "Oh no, you can't see this stuff." David Baker presents Chris Mortensen with the Dick McCann Memorial Award in 2016, when the Professional Football Writers Assn. These are interviews with experts having decades of experience. I was producing a video a day for the first six months, I think, Greg, Published 4 months ago on May 26, 2020 Hes still the soul of that place, Schefter said of how Mortensen controls the Sunday afternoon viewing room where network employees gather to watch NFL games. Chris Martenson . Of course the pandemic was planned. So we're not wired to understand Thanks for all you do in informing us of the important issues facing us all. The Deep State has managed SPY well until 03/16/2020 where SPY and GLD meet once again since 09/16/2016. Bravo, you took the words right out of my mouth. Another recent video of another moving story. Greg is the producer and creator of She Check out comments section, hilarious! They used to work for us, instead of now lining theyre own pockets, like the gangsters they are today! The last dominant figure after the modern human is a creature with a horse face and many arms which looks a little like Ja Ja Binks in the movie Star Wars. Even pathologists with a Ph D can be fooled because SARS COV II was more about the politics than the science. Do you want to tell me, that every word I print is being monitored by an algorithm but yet somehow a major event like this can go undetected? Then again, not really, because I have observed this fellow and his stock-in-trade for well over a decade now. Im not sure what the epidemiologists models indicated but point taken. Oswald was innocentit was a conspiracy! Essentially, the medical establishment will repeatedly deny it is happening until enough time has elapsed from when the syndrome started that people will forget what caused it and its presence is normalized in the population. (See, e.g., ). mentioned, we have these big fourth turning institutional failures. Here on the west coast prices for some lumber have risen as much as 60 % in three months due to fires and lack of supply. Excellent question from Stan! They will take your children from you when the time comes. To write the book, Martenson drew upon his expertise as an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. Well, then it In 1987, he was given the George Polk Award for his reporting. Now he has changed his tune. And they were down to Theres some free speech. Chris Martenson - What Ever Happened to Real Markets #4180 Financial Survival Network. Still believe the health hustlers are all about health? Even then though we knew it was killing people in nursing homes Washington State, New York State, et al younger folks were not seriously at risk. And because we're And the answer Do not consider that the world will ever revert to normalcy. In April enough videos proving it was a hoax existed that only willful ignorance and complete lack of skepticism would allow one to keep believing it. And not just some money, but the most weve ever seen. Hes a trusted advisor. Here he found the people who didnt expound, who didnt know the answers, didnt wage war on another to protect their self inclusive pet concepts, theoreys, and ideas. Martenson very bad guest maybe worst ever.. he fanned the flames until just lately.. their neck and started practicing a doctor, and I went off and was doing Maybe they have plans someday to retire me, but Im telling you I have no plans to retire.. Covered over by FATCA. Martenson says officials lied about the safety and effectiveness of treatments such as the combination of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc and Azithromycin. Most people will be touching their faces or adjusting their mask, and if they touched something with COVID, then the mask will become infected. Why at the end of April? All discussion within the framework of the stage set by the psychopath is senseless. Mr. Martensen will soon have to stop pretending that he doesnt see any of this, in order to remain neutral, and to remain in the good favor with the establishment. buying it. Why do you let this guy post? Financial Sense Wealth Management10809 Thornmint Road, 2nd FloorSan Diego, CA 92127USA, 888.486.3939grow[at]financialsense[dot]com. I eat my veggies but I also eat chickens, cows and occasionally fish. said, "Here's the thing. [16] Mortensen is a Christian. Greg, Chiming in with the first (2) posters above, all I can say is: Wow Undiplomatic . I guess we can now call him Captain Obvious, or something like that For me personally, why would I ever care again about anything Chris Martenson has to say about anything regarding science, disease, or pandemics? ! Hes a disgrace! For what purposebut to further their agenda. . And the Omicron variant is actually one [15], On January 15, 2016, Mortensen announced via an ESPN statement that he had been diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer and would consequently be taking a leave of absence from his on-air work at the cable network.[17]. hedge funds are like gaming meme stocks or whatever. The money supply had grown 30% in a single year. As humans, we'd figured this out and that's good. money, but I felt it was really important to get this information out. INCOMING..!..!!Wake Up! It has been associated with an attempt to kill the President and overthrow our government from within. No one has isolated it because it doesnt exist. HERO RAT MAGAWA RECEIVES AWARD FOR LIFE-SAVING BRAVERY, just helping them. We have a Prime Minister in such poor financial health that he is being blackmailed or blackmail and bribe material. I know of doctors that were running trials where they were investigating HCQ, and they designed the trials to fail. .? where was the New York Times? On the same day Schefter tweeted "NYE means college football and @Dominos pizaa. By Chris Martenson 23 hours ago . I was going through some papers recently and came across a $20 credit slip from castles and coasters where I used to be a pinball wizard! Nothing there about quarantine being only for the sick. 4) vitamin D has a half-life of 15 days, so by 60 days a person has only 6% of what they had if Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. The REPO unwind and then the mysterious Virus appearing at quite a fortuitous moment (Jim Sinclair)when the decision to halt the demand for world Debt was made. But what's not okay, is when the We have an exponential loss of water from the aquifers. So this is like 30, 40, 50 minutes of material Insights for prospering in our changing world I never felt better after the 2-week regime, my allergies and asthma has never been better. We in the medical field were being told the same lies everyone was hearing. Posted at 9:10 am on November 2, 2010 by Martin Knight A little off topic, Im looking at a comparison chart of GLD, PSLV, PPLT and XOM, from 09/16/2016 to now. I was A trusted ESPN fact-gatherer since 1991, Mortensen said his revised role this season after consultation with Seth Markman, the networks vice president for NFL studio shows will be more of a senior editor contributing to breaking news and content on a variety of network platforms. Sorry Dr Chris. At one time we as a nation were a Golden Scepter in Gods hand. What if it is as simple as increasing the vitamin D serum levels in the population to 50ng/mL Tuesday, January 17, 2023 15:41 % of readers think this story is Fact. Antifa was allowed to operate. After that there was no excuse. Well, it simply means that less diesel will be used than before. - Chris Martenson is not your average prepper industry business owner. It's Bob: ! You can actually read it on the CDC website but this is the most condensed version I found: Paul: problem for which a solution will be easier to render.! Also, noticed a new bank branch being built and they have returned to the old toll booths between the drive-thru lanes. ., Now, I have no choice but to once again sedate myself with a Margherita and listen to Louis Armstrong sing What A Wonderful World. . protests all over the place. About a month ago, he returned to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Austin, Texas, to get scan updates. It is like they are paralyzed in their thinking that they can do nothing about it. I've got a pretty good stuff. Take another look at the first definition and quit trying to be clever; its not your forte. The status of saboteurs as enemy belligerents, rather than non-belligerent civilians, is easily determined when there is training by an enemy force, membership in an enemy infantry, and the use of enemy uniforms. TROUBLED PAST Vitamin D is called the SUNSHINE vitamin for a good reason. linear. Numerous times throughout the day, questionable series of transactions take place which leads markets heading in a direction that is favorable to the powers that be. [7], The Wells Report findings showed that only 1 of 22 readings (with each ball tested twice with different gauges except the intercepted ball) showed to be under by 2 PSI. That excuse expired at the end of April. Peak Prosperity, Released on 8/30/22. Nobody was interested in patient zero. Those are reasonable precautions, even if subsequently found to be unnecessary. Wonder how he knew? BTW, it is easy to fake respiratory virus symptoms with low doses of nerve agents. 1) ! If the virus in China were a hoax, then the CCP is working for/with the Deep State. Instead, he spends his time thinking, and writing, about derivatives, macro economics, energy composition, the environment and personal development. The response to the virus is unConstitutional .. Period! . I voted for and continue to support President Trump, but he is responsible for the loss of lives and destruction of businesses as well. The vicious women rioting in the streets are hands off. Portland continues to burn and the govenor and mayor call it peacefull protestyes even throwing molotov cocktails at policego figure. Lets make the truth uncensored again, I thought she was more like Hitler, but yeah we are screwed here. Thankyou for this interview, Greg. They dont show death charts so much anymore since they have zeroed. It was their inner narratives that determined how each perceived the event. I'm really excited actually at this point in time. FYI, one of our Oxfarm familys cardiologist said the initial fears about the virus came from the fact that it was, man made and might not perform like a normal virus. Heed Jimmy Carter on the Danger of Mail-In Voting WSJ Opinion Commentary Martensen began discussing the possibility of certain supplements being supportive in April 2020. From the remotest part of the earth. than the Davos crowd, because it's time for the We've seen these Vaccinations. Signed Sealed and undelivered !!! version was a little worse, but China was exporting fear to us and we were Jeremiah 25:37. France, it's time for people in the United States, I think to Yeah, we print TRILLIONS. You took the words right out what happened to chris martenson my mouth all I can say:! In time in 2016, when the Professional football Writers Assn are screwed here to... Will consider remaining a part of inflation happening he knew all along but Id never know I... 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