However, this means that you should avoid using non-HMS ships to bring out her advantage and thus makes her a gimmick support ship. This allows her to potentially deal double damage whenever she launches an airstrike at 15% (25% max). When you enter a stage, you move your fleet around a map of tiles looking for the final battle, which contains a boss. An elite ship has better stats than a rare ship, whereas a super rare ship has better stats than a legendary ship. So annoying spending time on a ship that just wasn't as strong as you thought it would be. Submarine Seaplane Carrier: Roon: Heavy Cruiser: Richelieu: Battleship: U-101: Submarine: Gascogne: Battleship: Essex: . What does that mean? Long Island: 1-4 and 3-1 (others exist. BBs, in addition, do not have the unique mechanic of CV and thus are unable to delete any enemy attack in progress. In the Academy located in theHQ, you have both a Canteen and a Merchant, which produce oil and coins, respectively. It forces you to bring at least 3 carriers in the later maps. Pros: Easy to get and cheap for a BB outside of monitors. This menu is where you can check on any ships under construction, and see how long they will take to finish. If you have 12 extra torpedoes, each one has 202 base damage after it is completed. equipment importance/priority: subs > fleet 2 = fleet 3> fleet 1>fleet 4. green bg is flagship/lead vanguard. If your frontline is up to the task, then you do not need to worry about suicide boats. Categories There are a ton of different things to do, ways to upgrade your ship, get resources, etc. You can select any mission up to the maximum range for your Signal Sensitivity. Copyright - Gamer Empire 2018-2023 | Part of the, Azur Lane Best UR Ships Tier List (January 2023). Enterprise: The best of the carriers that one may find in dealing damage. They have very high stats. This list focuses primarily on the skills that the DBs bring onto the table and their stats second. There are no 3-star conditions like normal stages. The contribution from equipment is the sum of the listed sonar ranges. The average BB when MLB costs 15-12 oil (SR to N) whilst the Erebus-class ships at that stage cost merely 10 oil. Here are the explanations: Does that mean I should stick to CVs? When you move your fleet, you will be able to submerge an enemy fleet in their hunting range, and they will attack your target once they have emerged from the water. Pros: Heavy armor plus a decent health pool allows her to serve as a flagship in a C or B composition. The goal of this article is to go over the details of SOF Rescue missions and discuss the combat mechanics. With many downsides, it becomes very hard to justify in employing them in fact, why would you? The equipment blueprints are unlocked as long as Signal Sensitivity increases. *Event The Way Home in the Night requires 600 and 1 instead. To add, shes easily obtainable early on like Shouhou. 2018/09/18 Reformatting this section to provide more detailed information and to advise a new player or a current experienced player more in what is a good backliner. Skill: Focused Strike procs at 15% (30% max) when she fires her main guns. This is important as it may lead to the deletion of the suicide boat and prevents damage to your backline. They are equipped with torpedoes and can launch them at enemy ships to sink them. They move 2 spaces for everytime you move your fleet regardless the distance your fleet does. Here at For The Optics, we have the pleasure of wo, Have your selfie a very Merry Christmas, from our. Yorktown: Yorktown is the next best choice if the player doesnt have either T0 or T1 SC ships. Submarines are optional, so I do not recommend beginners touching submarines until you have a solid high-level fleet. Skill: Infinite Darkness which provides a 30% (60%) chance of procing every 20s that fires an unique barrage (scales with level). Azur Lane Resource Farming Guide Oil, Gems, Cubes, Medals, A Comprehensive Guide to Azur Lane Daily Raids, Azur lane Russian Ships List Northern Parliament, Destiny Child PvE, PvP, Raids, World Boss Tier List 2020. They are, literally, the same in every stat and skill. Sandy Retrofit necessitates the use of a special event to complete. There are a variety of ASW ships in the game, each with their own unique abilities and stats. These three classes, however, generally have one weakness: poor AA stats. By combining powerful and balanced fleet damage with single-target damage for bosses and AoE attacks for waves of enemy ships, WhiteCrow720s powerful fleet adds both single-target damage and AoE damage. This means most DDs struggle against medium and heavy armored enemies. In general, CVs are excellent damage dealers that are capable of wiping enemies from the map. AMO, also known as ammo, is another stat exclusively for submarines that determines how many a submarine can either attack or support in battle. The only time a submarine sank another submarine while both were submerged was in one of the few documented cases. A great way to make sure you do crucial tasks in the game, which helps you progress through the game and get useful items and rewards, is by completing missions and quests. If youre wondering how to get further in the game, just check the Main tab for missions that take you further in the game. How to Get: 4-4, 5-4, Special Gacha, and late world maps (Check wiki). However, be cautious of how effective it is in higher worlds. There will, after the rework, exist a list but itll be focused more on recommendations with the complete removal of the minor tiering that is present. The Building tab is where you can construct new ships, check on the status of ships under construction, trade medals for ships, and retire ships. Plus, you get three airstrikes which allow for rapid delete of enemies on a screen or even a pesky boss. After sonar is detected, a depth charge can be used against a submarine. There are a variety of azur lane submarine tier lists available online, each created by different players and organizations. This provides a 5% (15%) bonus in reloading and thus leads to a higher DPS. Early on, her return in health is only a meager 20% and even when boosted, gains half of her lost health back at the end of the skills duration. Located on the world map is the SOS Signal Search button, just above the Exercises button. Is a skill that has a chance of procing every 20s at a rate of 30% (60% max). NOTICE: Saratoga and Lexington fit both roles and will be included at the end with an explanation. When one compares their stats to any other BB, they are worse in every single metric except their below-average reload and top-tier evasion stats. This page was last modified on 29 April 2020, at 13:21. It is preferable to divide your damage into multiple instances in order to minimize the amount of damage you lose. You can view the Sonar diameter for your fleets on the formation screen or the top of the Hard Mode ship selection screen. Ships can instantly be completed by using a Drill. If you no longer require a specific piece of equipment, such as a ship, you may be able to exchange it for some materials, oil, or perhaps medals. Summoning them consumes their ammo supply and fuel dictated by their fuel cost. If you combine five copies of the same pack, you can upgrade your tech pack tier. This, potentially, allows her to double her damage easily and can cripple any high-health enemy within a single salvo. However, some tips on how to acquire submarines in Azur Lane include participating in events and challenges, purchasing them from the in-game store, or trading with other players. The higher the firepower, the more damage your ship deals with artillery attacks. If you are looking for allied submarine mechanics, view the Submarines category . Nicholas has only been dropped on an annoying map, making finding her difficult. Here is the ultimate Azur Lane tier list to help you win more battles, sorted within the tiers as well. This article will go over the details of SOS Rescue Missions, then discuss combat mechanics. The best way to kill an enemy submarine in Azur Lane is to use your own submarines. It is recommended that you keep a CV and a CVL up to a decent level for hardmode purposes. The ultra rare ship is tied to the server you are on and different servers will have different ships available. I will go over each ship type and their roles and recommend the best ship to invest in each role. Combat mechanics in Azur Lane are based on the submarines torpedoes and the use of them to attack enemy ships. In higher worlds, suicide boats become increasingly more common and more deadly to your ship girls. Where Eldridge focuses on invulnerability as her gimmick, South Dakota acts as the tank of the backline. By attacking from the air, you can drop bombs on the enemy submarine, causing it to sink. Queen Elizabeth: While she doesnt appear much, a quick glance at her skill can raise mainly possibilities. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Tim, also known as Timzer online, is the founder & owner of How to Get: 2-1 and Heavy Construction (Check wiki for other drop areas). Bosses enjoy buffing their ships more when they have a lot of damage done in one burst. In this article, I will explain how to build a well-rounded functional fleet. The maximum amount of SOS Signals you can store is tied to your Signal Sensitivity. Skill: Eagles Tears procs at 50% whenever she fires her main gun. Which Subs are Best? Both are available from Special Construction. Because enemies rarely come close enough to the backline, also known as the main fleet, they dont often attack using their main gun, the automatic attack. Cons: One of the highest oil consumptions of the CVLs and trades one of her plane slots for an AA gun. If she is No.1 (Rank 1 for 50% of the Fleet), she will increase AA stat by 50%. Allows you to run solo vanguard for low-cost farming. AVI, also known asaviation, determines the amount of damage a ship deals with airstrike attacks. Destroyers: 15 range, 60 x 2 damage, base cooldown 6.32 seconds, Light cruisers: 15 range, 60 x 2 damage, base cooldown 6.99 seconds. Once all of the required items have been gathered, players can then begin construction by visiting the submarine dock. She has some of the best offensive statistics in the Heavy Cruiser class and has been added to the top tier. If the signal does not appear after 16 attempts, or 8 hours, then a signal is guaranteed to appear. Her second skill buffs the reload of the frontline and thus allowing them to achieve a higher DPS than normal. The names of these should be self-explanatory, but damage carriers focus on dealing damage and wiping out the enemy as fast as possible. How to Get: Farm World 2 except for 2-1 for her. Greatest torpedo damage for boss kill/torpedo stats checks. Most top-heavy cruisers share these characteristics: Extremely tanky and decent damage at a meager cost. Modifiers to ASW from gear, skills, Meowfficers, or Fleet Tech do not apply. As a result, sensors are one of ASWs most important components. It doesnt hurt that her barrage skill also increases the reload speed of the backline. The system emits a sound wave and then listens for the echo that is produced when the sound wave hits an object. Another way to kill enemy submarines is to use torpedoes. The exchange menu is where you can exchange medals for ships; there are 7 ships at a time available for trading. You get two salvos that allows you to wipe out a particular enemy or a cluster of enemies. Taihou is one of the games tackiest carriers, with Heavy Armor and excellent damage reduction skills. Here you can explore the Azur Lane Gear Tier List December 2021 where we will discuss the 3rd tier list: Tier-EX: Mark 20 "Bidder". You can also instantly build a ship under construction by using a Fast Building Drill. These girls come in three flavors, ranking in both durability (general) and in oil cost: Battleship (BB) > Battlecruiser (BC) > Monitor (BM). The Signal Search button allows players to quickly locate submarines, and the submarine attack button allows them to send the submarines to assist you. There are instances where it is preferred to have the carrier as the flagship due to higher HP and/or tankier, but it is generally a good idea to put the battleship in the middle for the covering fire. SOS Rescue Mission bosses will surface after about two minutes and five seconds and be susceptible to all forms of damage. They were also equipped with one of the most advanced torpedoes of the conflict, the oxygen-propelled Type 95. I only recommend leveling submarines after youve fully leveled up all the previous ships listed above. Therefore, weve put together this overview of all stats in Azur Lane, their meaning, and what aspect of battle they affect. It provides a 3.5% (8% max) healing boost the frontline. When that happens, its time to upgrade your ships. Enjoy!Follow me on twitch! Why do we put the BB in the middle? In higher worlds you can easily go triple BBs and clear maps without issue. Yes of course! You can move these three ships around using the joypad to avoid enemy attacks and position yourself for when you attack the enemy. Note, however, this second wave of torpedoes depend on the skills level. Pros: Second highest health pool of the CVLs, above average Air Power for a CVL, a healthy reload stat, and decent evasion. Possible compositions? Not all ships in the vanguard have special attacks. When activated her follow up strike will unleash a powerful barrage, most effective in the middle, that can and will blanket your screen. Skills: Their first skill reloads their initial airstrike by 20% (50% maxed) and thus you can potentially reduce your initial airstrike wait time by half. Youll see all of your unequipped items sorted by rarity. The damage of each shell increases with the skills level. When three battleships with high damage are positioned on the backline, each with its own salvo attack, it is almost impossible to achieve more concentrated damage. main fleet When IJN Taihous first skill is completed, he can send out three different types of extra aircraft, each with a 40% chance ofprocing, and all three types can proc at once. Being done by Hololiver Fubuki's artist may have a role in it. They are good Cleveland class ships are very similar, but the best is Montpelier. A and B are both trail behind C and D in this regard with A > B in damage potential. Triple salvos, durability, and anti-suicide boat protection. ASW stands for Anti-Submarine Warfare. You can destroy up to 40 different items at once by selecting them at the same time. Skill: Her skill, known as Lucky E, allows her to have a 40% (70%) of dealing double damage and grants her temporary invulnerability. A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. At level 1, you can store a maximum of 1 SOS Signal, and at level 2 you can store a maximum of 2 signals, and so on. FP, also known asfirepower, is the as the name describes the firepower of the ship. DDs have abysmal survivability in the later worlds. The stage boss will be an Elite enemy submarine. . She gains 25% Anti-Air HP and can fire a special barrage every 20 seconds while standing in front of an enemys face. There is a major advantage to having a low-cost team for farming and progress in the game. Unlike CVs, BBs require at least decent equipment to deal damage and thus they may not perform as well compared to an airstrike. This, right off the back, allows her to deal more damage than a comparable CV with the same equipment and stats. This stat covers both the automatic main gun and the reload-based attack, so the cooldown of a special attack decreases as the reload stat of a ship rises. Seven more event limited ships are available this time. Hiryuu and Souryuu Combo: Their second skill increases both ships Air Power stats and thus allows them to increase their damage output. Submarine Combat Mechanics 2:003. Both perform the same role in that they sent out airstrikes against the enemy, however, certain CVLs will trade in a plane slot for an AA slot (Anti-Air). Her weapon efficiency and fire power are significantly increased as a result of her new abilities. Destroyers and Light Cruisers are equipped with sonar. They use airstrike to deal massive damage to a wide area. The list below focuses on the utility a ship can bring to the backline composition. Its major operating areas were around Norway, in the Mediterranean (against the Axis supply routes to North Africa), and in the Far East. Her first skill is focused on healing, which is initiated with an airstrike. This menu allows the player to check on any ships under construction and see how long they will take to finish. Cons: Extremely expensive for what she brings to the table. DDs and CLs are equipped with a default depth charge launcher. Pros: Her healing skill is unique amongst BBs and thus can act as a healer with anti-suicide boat protection. From the top down the 4 menus are: Construction, Under Construction, Exchange, and Retire This menu is where new ships are constructed. Games Adda - Where Gamers Reunite. Also, pulls through Requisition are instant and do not require construction time or count towards any construction missions. This is entirely passive and thus is an incredibly strong skill when in the right team lineup. Another thing concerning resources that you should take advantage of is production. Lexington: 2-4 (Check wiki for other zones). The table serves as a general overview only and the checks do not indicate that all ships of that classification appear in the particular pool. Cons: Her healing skill, in practice, is worse than that of Unicorn/Shouhou and her stats are purely mediocre with nothing unique. Most destroyers share these characteristics: Destroyers provide these functions to your fleet: They offer lots of utility. Pros: Second highest HP after Hood, second best FP, best AA, best reload, and fourth best evasion for a BB (not including monitors). Use them cautiously as their benefits do not outweigh losing a DPS source and they heal the frontline at a pace much worse than that of either Shouhou or Unicorn. battleship guns blue for heavy/medium armor, orange for light armor. In one case, a submarine sank another while both vessels were submerged. Support carriers deal with either buffing the backline, frontline, or even healing the frontline. In addition it provides a reload buff to your backline so your CVs/BBs can unleash their payload as well. The survivability of London is comparable to that of a light cruiser. All Super Rare ships in the pool are also available in the Medal Shop for direct purchase for 80 . The official announcement on the English Azur Lane account for the EN server for HMS Sussex came on the same day as Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, gave birth. Thus the higher you go, the increasingly less practical it becomes to depend on a 3 CV composition. Fandom Cortex RPG Avoid ambush; the rate of hitting ambush is tied to your fleets total evasion. Sonar is a system that uses sound waves to detect and locate objects underwater. Does that mean I need to ditch 3 CV comp in higher worlds? How to Get: 1-4 and Heavy Construction (7-3 is also a farming area for her). Underwater mines and torpedoes are two of the most common types of attack weapons used by submarines, and they can be launched from a variety of platforms, including aircraft and ships. The weapon class and the auxiliary class are both classified as two types of gear. Alabama is a BB class in South Dakota, which means she has excellent base statistics in terms of AA. Shoushou and Vestal are the weaker versions of Unicorn and Akashi. However, if youre on the right track, you can overcome any obstacle. Instead, its just used in the calculation that determines whether or not you evade an attack. How to Get: Merit Points Exchange only (20k merit points). All Out Assault I (II) Activate All Out Assault I (II) : Surcouf when this boat resurfaces. Her second skill, which is also simple to proc, allows battleships to hit last-hit enemy ships, giving her the ability to reach her max buff as quickly as possible. Drawbacks is that the rate this procs is low, especially at lvl 1. Their armor: BB Heavy, BC Medium, BM Light. Building - Azur Lane Wiki Building The Build tab is where you can construct new ships, check on the status of ships under construction, trade medals for ships, and retire ships. If that is you, share your vision at [email protected]. Instead, make a fleet with low oil cost ships you can use for farming. To give you a better idea of which ships are great for your fleet and are thereby worth investing resources into, weve created abest ships tier list. However, you lose the carriers special mechanic of deleting any incoming attacks and thus you may be more prone to taking more damage or having to tank deadly situations. Her first skill is outstanding, and she is the Destroyer with the best ability to deal with aircraft damage. Therefore, we recommend you focus on great ships thatll be useful for a long time if not forever. Author: Essex/Dunkerque/Enbayft (EN Official Discord Server, same person), Contributors: Falcon, 898235, and Wiz (EN Official Discord Server), Crash Fever Mutated Taotie Awakening Materials, Azur Lane Resource Farming Guide Oil, Gems, Cubes, Medals, A Comprehensive Guide to Azur Lane Daily Raids, Azur lane Russian Ships List Northern Parliament, Destiny Child PvE, PvP, Raids, World Boss Tier List 2020. A allows you to double airstrike with a follow up salvo. Note: the rates are lower than the general pools. You can find all your current missions by pressing the Missions button in the bottom menu on the main screen. When you complete the battle that contains a boss, you beat the entire stage. This consumes their ammo supply. Therefore, weve put together this guide going over the main features of the game, as well as important tasks we believe you should know. The more frequently a piece of gear is enhanced, the greater the cost and number of parts and coins it will require to be enhanced. Another submarine-specific stat is AMO, also known as ammo. Finally, you can also use aircraft to attack enemy submarines. It is heavily advised to not use her as the flagship unless you are sure you can use her skill to finish the battle and not cause her demise (which as the flagship means an automatic loss). Currently, these devices are only obtainable from system mail. Azur Lane Gear Tier List. Provides a free airstrike which damage increases with level. One-Step Crafting UI Click the gear icon to access this menu. By pressing this stat in the details page of a ship that has an ASR stat, which not all does, you can see exactly how it can move from its location. Azur Lane Building the perfect fleet in Azur Lane is an everlasting process with new ships being released occasionally and tweaks happening every so often. Note that the rescue mission expires in 12 hours from the time it was opened. Skills: Her first skill allows her to, 100%, drop a second wave of torpedoes from her torpedo bombers. Do note that common (white/grey) equipment do not have blueprints, and is an item when it drops. Each is handled from a menu on the left. Every 24 points of total main fleet base ASW increases sonar range by 1. As the main way of acquiring new ships, which are the characters/heroes of this game, is through a random building process, Azur Lane falls under the gacha games category. . I mostly stream Azur Lane, but also other games. my discord! With Hood, you are given the best barrage in game that is deadly to both the enemys frontline and, when it reaches the back, the backline as well. How to Get: 2-2 and from Heavy Construction (Check wiki for other sites). Date: Novembe, Wishing all of you a very happy MOO year! Either Light, Heavy, or from drops on 4-3 (other Worlds exist, but they arent in in EN yet). Passive sonar search is less powerful than active sonar, but it is better at detecting submarines that are further away. Each, like in CVs, perform the same role with differing aspects. This menu is where new ships are constructed. Their unique ability is their skill in launching barrages at a rate of 20s (10s at minimum), which allows them to act as a poor mans BB in dealing shell damage. Torpedoes are powerful weapons that can deal a lot of damage to enemy submarines. Azur Lane HOW to DEFEAT SUBMARINES without anti-sub gear 7,033 views Apr 4, 2019 45 Dislike Share Save b8702131 341 subscribers This is for those who are starting out or forgot to bring gear. Learn more in our guide on how to build the best fleet in Azur Lane. The General Motors TBM-3 Avenger (ASW) can be found in the Eagle Union Torpedo/Dive Bomber section. Note that signals gained this way cannot exceed your maximum dictated by the Signal Sensitivity. By measuring the time it takes for the echo to return, the sonar system can determine the distance to the object and, by using the direction of the sound wave, the direction to the object. The damage output of a ships weapons increases and the rate at which it reloads its weapons increases as a result of adding enhanced gear. The reason this guide splits them away from DBs is mainly to indicate their farming potential and that, generally, a full-on BB or BC is better on clearing worlds. Having a low-cost team is a big advantage in farming and progressing through the game. When you go to Azur Lane, choose the item you want to get rid of inside the Depot and press Disassemble. Pros: Above average reload, evasion, and extremely easy to get for a new player. Among these is the only documented instance of a submarine sinking another submarine while both were submerged. Category: Face Filter When done, 20% (50% max) of the lost health is applied back onto her. Cons: Below average AA and their barrage skill requires leveling to be effective. As of September 2020, no ship in the game is capable of reaching the cap. Azur Lane is a popular action RPG mobile game in which you battle enemy fleets with your own. A solid high-level fleet either T0 or T1 SC ships, she will increase AA stat 50... 60 % max ), and is an item when it drops five copies of the most advanced of! Means that you keep a CV and a Merchant, which produce oil and,. Used against a submarine DDs struggle against medium and Heavy construction ( 7-3 is also a area! They may not perform as well range by 1 and prevents damage to your total... And clear maps without issue access this menu a system that uses sound waves to detect and locate objects.... The amount of damage you lose and Vestal are the explanations: does that mean I need worry. Ships listed above view the submarines torpedoes and the auxiliary class are both trail behind C D... 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Female Attraction To Females, How To Build Submarine Azur Lane, Articles H